Gidlof AC, Ocaya P Olofsson PS不同H, Sirsjo
43 J Vasc杂志2006;(4):392 - 8。Epub 2006年7月6日。
- PubMed ID
16837774 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
血管疾病是多因素和平滑肌细胞(smc)起着关键的作用。类维生素a可以影响许多属于过程包括血管壁的增殖和分化。的血管smc表型异质性是一个众所周知的现象和smc表型调制先于内膜的增生。构成的smc内膜的增生演示不同的表现型和基因表达的不同而内侧smc。细胞retinol-binding蛋白1 (CRBP-I),参与类维生素a的新陈代谢,是内膜smc中高度表达,表明改变类维生素a细胞的新陈代谢在这个子集。本研究的目的是评估的新陈代谢all-trans卢武铉(atROH),血管smc的循环激素原活性类维生素a,不同的表型。结果显示增加吸收相比,内膜smc atROH内侧smc以及增加视网膜视黄醇dehydrogenase-5 retinoid-metabolizing酶和脱氢酶- 1的表达,结合基因表达,增加生产all-trans视黄酸(atRA)。此外,视黄acid-catabolizing酶CYP26A1表达水平上高于内侧smc相比,内膜的smc。因此,这两类维生素a的激活和解除激活流程操作。分析如果卢武铉新陈代谢的差异也是相关的差异视黄醇的生物反应,卢武铉的影响扩散的smc表型异质性进行了研究。 We found that intimal SMCs showed a dose- and time-dependent growth inhibition when treated with atROH in contrast to medial SMCs, in which atROH had a mitogenic effect. This study shows, for the first time, that (1) vascular SMCs are able to synthesize biologically active atRA from the prohormone atROH, (2) intimal SMCs have a higher capacity to internalize atROH and metabolize atROH into atRA compared to medial SMCs and (3) atROH inhibits growth of intimal SMCs, but induces medial SMC growth.