马巴C, Ito T, XX, Ikeda M,渡边,Soderquist B,一品”K
J Antimicrob Chemother。2009年1月,63 (1):32-41。doi: 10.1093 /江淮/ dkn435。Epub 2008年11月11日。
- PubMed ID
19001453 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
背景:最近的研究表明一个优势的IV型SCCmec耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)隔离的低流行地区据县和瑞典的西部地区。然而,许多这样的隔离是不可能将现有的亚型IVa, IVb,司长委任印度河流域文明或试管。方法:我们分析了16个茎耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌分离株的序列类型,spa打字,staphylocoagulase (SC)打字和检测IVg型和IVh SCCmec。耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,仍未知类型IV SCCmec被远程PCR调查覆盖了j - 1;然而,只有两个隔离可能通过PCR扩增。整个SCCmec核苷酸序列的测定这两个耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌。此外,隔离,有未知的SC类型调查辅酶a基因的核苷酸序列。结果:五16隔离分为类型IVg SCCmec,和四个隔离型IVh SCCmec。两种亚型的IV型SCCmec共享j - 1区域之前在其他类型的SCCmec,确定类型I.2和ii . 2。ii .这部小说元素指定为新类型和IVj SCCmec。 In addition, the genetic backgrounds of these Swedish MRSA were diverse and constituted at least nine sequence types and eight SC types, including four new types of SC. CONCLUSIONS: Type IV SCCmec is occurring in heterogeneous clones of MRSA in Sweden, and the majority of the type IV SCCmec were identified in community-acquired MRSA. We describe two novel subtypes of type IV SCCmec with common J1 regions shared by other types of SCCmec, which indicate that J1 regions occurred as primordial SCC.