Couloigner V, Loiseau Sterkers O, Amiel C, Ferrary E
喉镜。1998年4月,108 (4 Pt (1): 592 - 8。
- PubMed ID
9546276 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
在梅尼埃病(又名内耳眩晕病),内耳障碍相关的,一个变更的功能内淋巴的囊已被提出。内淋巴的囊被认为是参与内淋巴的分泌和吸收。上皮运输系统已经间接研究记录的内淋巴的囊transepithelial潜在(ESP)在控制条件和当地的注射的药物,如利尿剂治疗梅尼埃病(又名内耳眩晕病)。体内,ESP被记录在豚鼠perisaccular注射后150分钟5 microL 150更易/ L (mM)氯化钠溶液含有各种药物抑制离子运输系统。最初的ESP + 8.4 + / - -0.3 mV(意思是+ / - SEM, n = 78)。基底外侧注入5 microL 150毫米氯化钠诱导ESP减少64% + / - -6.0% (n = 12), 5分钟后的注入。然后ESP增加,回到它的初始值在60分钟,超过120分钟。利尿剂,如乙酰唑胺(10 [3]mol / L [M]),碳酸酐酶的抑制剂,和阿米洛利(10[4]米),钠通道抑制剂或Na / H换热器,降低了ESP的复苏。在方差、布美他尼(10 M[6],[4]),在Na-K-Cl协同转运抑制剂,和氯噻嗪(10[4]米),Na-Cl转运蛋白抑制剂,未能改变ESP与对照组相比。乌本苷(10[3]米),Na +, K +腺苷三磷酸酶(atp酶)抑制剂,防止ESP复苏否则观察生理盐水注射后60分钟。 Bafilomycin A1, the inhibitor of the vacuolar-type H+-ATPase, prevented the recovery of the ESP with a log-dose/effect (10[-5] M, 10[-6] M, 10[-8] M). Disulfonic acid stilbene (DIDS) (10[-4] M), an inhibitor of transporters involving HCO3-, also prevented the ESP recovery. These results suggest that the genesis of the ESP was highly dependent on acid-base transport systems including carbonic anhydrase, a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase, and an anionic transport system blocked by DIDS. Further studies are needed to confirm the alteration of the acid-base balance in this epithelium and its possible involvement in the pathogenesis of Meniere's disease.
- 药物靶点
药物 目标 类 生物 药理作用 行动 Methyclothiazide 碳酸酐酶1 蛋白质 人类 未知的抑制剂细节