尤里T,冢本R, Uehara N,松岗Y, Tsubura
体内。2006;11 - 12月20 b (6): 829 - 36。
- PubMed ID
17203775 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
背景:没有精确评估的影响怀孕不同持续时间的暴露在雌激素和孕激素水平在乳腺致癌风险。我们检查了这些影响的发展N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)全身的老鼠乳房癌。材料与方法:女性刘易斯老鼠管理一个腹腔内注射50毫克/公斤MNU 28天的年龄,然后要么离开hormone-untreated(对照组),或者接受皮下植入21天释放颗粒含有0.5毫克17 beta雌二醇和孕酮32.5毫克(E / P颗粒)年龄在42天。颗粒是取代了整个实验周期每3到4周(长期E / P组),还是只植入一次(短期E / P组)。循环17 beta雌二醇和孕酮水平的血清,和表达雌激素受体(ER)和孕激素受体(PgR)在正常乳腺测量。老鼠时牺牲了乳腺肿瘤直径>或= 1厘米,或当他们到达29岁的周。结果:大鼠植入一个E / P小球,循环17个beta雌二醇和孕酮水平显著升高2周后植入,但回到控制水平植入后8周;17个beta雌二醇是暂时性的达到怀孕的水平。在正常乳腺的老鼠牺牲在29周的年纪,长期和短期E / P治疗减少的百分比ERalpha PgR-positive细胞。老鼠接受长期或短期E / P治疗乳房癌的发生率减少直径> = 1厘米,而控制老鼠。 However, when histologically detected microcarcinomas (diameter <1 cm) were included for comparison, the E/P-treated groups exhibited an abrupt increase in the number of microcarcinomas from 22 to 25 weeks after MNU injection. Although short-term E/P treatment significantly suppressed mammary carcinomas of all sizes, long-term E/P treatment had no cancer-suppressing effect. CONCLUSION: The duration of E/P treatment is an essential factor for the suppression of mammary carcinogenesis.