肝脏和肌肉的克隆、表达亚型的绵羊的肉碱palmitoyltransferase 1:残留在肌肉的n端同种型影响酶的动力学特性。



价格NT,杰克逊VN van der Leij FR,卡梅伦JM,特拉弗斯太,Bartelds B, Huijkman数控,Zammit VA

肝脏和肌肉的克隆、表达亚型的绵羊的肉碱palmitoyltransferase 1:残留在肌肉的n端同种型影响酶的动力学特性。

j . 2003 372年6月15日;(Pt 3): 871 - 9。

PubMed ID
12662154 (在PubMed

核苷酸序列数据将出现在DDBJ报道,EMBL,基因库(R)和GSDB核苷酸序列数据库;序列的绵羊的CPT1A和CPT1B互补dna分别加入数字Y18387和AJ272435和局部脂肪组织和肝脏CPT1A克隆分别加入数字Y18830和Y18829。脂肪酸和酮体代谢单胃的和反刍动物物种之间差别很大。关键酶的规定可能不同。肉碱palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT 1)是关键轨迹控制的长链脂肪酸机会和肝脏酮生成。以前我们表明,CPT 1动力学在羊和大鼠肝线粒体不同。我们克隆的互补两种亚型(肝- (L)和肌肉(M -)]的绵羊的CPT 1为了阐明这些蛋白及其基因的结构特点(CPT1A和CPT1B)。他们的推导氨基酸序列显示高度的保护orthologues与其他哺乳动物相比,分子的n端例外的绵羊的M-CPT 1。这些差异也存在于牛M-CPT 1,其n端序列我们确定。此外,羊的5 '端CPT1B cDNA建议不同的启动子架构与以前相比CPT1B特征基因。 Northern blotting revealed differences in tissue distribution for both CPT1A and CPT1B transcripts compared with other species. In particular, ovine CPT1B mRNA was less tissue restricted, and the predominant transcript in the pancreas was CPT1B. Expression in yeast allowed kinetic characterization of the two native enzymes, and of a chimaera in which the distinctive N-terminal segment of ovine M-CPT 1 was replaced with that from rat M-CPT 1. The ovine N-terminal segment influences the kinetics of the enzyme for both its substrates, such that the K (m) for palmitoyl-CoA is decreased and that for carnitine is increased for the chimaera, relative to the parental ovine M-CPT 1.


药物 目标 生物 药理作用 行动
Levocarnitine 肉碱O-palmitoyltransferase 2,线粒体 蛋白质 人类
不可用 细节