维兰德JW,米勒RT,弗兰克•AE Royaux即金YH,维纳ID
杂志肾杂志。2003年2月,284 (2):F323-37。Epub 2002年10月8日。
- PubMed ID
12388412 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
氨是由肾上皮细胞生产和运输,调节肾离子运输。最近的研究已经确定了一个家庭的假定的铵转运蛋白;信使rna两这个家庭的成员,Rh B-glycoprotein (RhBG)和Rh C-glycoprotein (RhCG),肾脏中表达。本研究的目的是确定的细胞位置RhBG RhCG蛋白质的老鼠肾脏。我们生成RhBG——RhCG-specific anti-peptide抗体。免疫印迹分析证实,表达的蛋白质都是老鼠肾脏。RhBG本地化与免疫组织化学显示基底离散标识连接段(问),在大多数初始收集小管(ICT)和皮质集合管(CCD)细胞。外髓集合管(OMCD)和内髓集合管(IMCD)只有一个族群基底细胞的免疫反应性。Colocalization RhBG与碳酸酐酶II, thiazide-sensitive运输车,阴离子交换剂AE1和pendrin RhBG免疫反应性在所有问细胞和CCD和ICT的主要细胞。基底在ICT和CCD, RhBG免疫反应性也存在于a类型间细胞而不是pendrin-positive CCD夹层的细胞。 In the OMCD and IMCD, only intercalated cells exhibit RhBG immunoreactivity. Immunoreactivity for a second putative ammonium transporter, RhCG, was present in the apical region of cells with almost the same distribution as RhBG. However, RhCG immunoreactivity was present in all CCD cells, and it was present in outer stripe OMCD principal cells, in addition to OMCD and IMCD intercalated cells. Thus the majority of RhBG and RhCG protein expression is present in the same epithelial cell types in the CNT and collecting duct but with opposite polarity. These findings suggest that RhBG and RhCG may play important and cell-specific roles in ammonium transport and signaling in these regions of the kidney.