王歌Y, Z通,王J, L,郭Z,汉族Y,张J,裴D,周D,秦H,彭日成X, Y汉,翟J,李米,崔B,气Z,金L,戴R,陈,李,你们C, Du Z,林W,王J, Yu J,杨H,王J,杨黄P, R
DNA研究》2004年6月30日,11 (3):179 - 97。
- PubMed ID
15368893 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
基因组学提供了一个前所未有的机会来探测分钟详细地向世界上最致命的致病菌的基因组——鼠疫杆菌。在这里,我们报告的完整基因组序列鼠疫耶尔森氏菌属菌株91001,human-avirulent应变与啮齿动物布兰德的vole-Microtus布氏田鼠。91001株的基因组由一个染色体和四个质粒(pPCP1、pCD1 pMT1和pCRY)。9609 - bp pPCP1质粒的菌株91001是几乎相同的同行参考菌株(CO92和金)。有98个基因在70159 - bp的质粒pCD1范围。106642 - bp质粒pMT1略有不同的架构与参考的。pCRY是一种新型质粒中发现这项工作。长21742个基点,港口一个神秘的IV型分泌系统。91001是4595065个基点的染色体长度。在4037基因预测,141年可能pseudo-genes。 Due to the rearrangements mediated by insertion elements, the structure of the 91001 chromosome shows dramatic differences compared with CO92 and KIM. Based on the analysis of plasmids and chromosome architectures, pseudogene distribution, nitrate reduction negative mechanism and gene comparison, we conclude that strain 91001 and other strains isolated from M. brandti might have evolved from ancestral Y. pestis in a different lineage. The large genome fragment deletions in the 91001 chromosome and some pseudogenes may contribute to its unique nonpathogenicity to humans and host-specificity.