


梁常SY, Ko TP, PH值,王啊


J生物化学杂志。2003年8月1;278 (31):29298 - 307。2003年5月19日Epub。

PubMed ID
12756244 (在PubMed

Undecaprenyl焦磷酸合成酶(UPPs)催化链伸长通过焦磷酸(FPP) Undecaprenyl焦磷酸(UPP)通过冷凝与八isopentenyl焦磷酸(IPP)。保安从大肠杆菌是一个二聚体,每个单元由253个氨基酸残基组成。产品的链长隧道由疏水活性部位调制。摘要晶体结构的大肠杆菌UPPs精制1.73一项决议,显示绑定硫酸和镁离子以及特里同x - 100分子。氨基酸残基72 - 82,包含一个重要的催化循环没有看到在前面的酶蛋白结构(Ko,陈宗柏。陈,y K。罗宾逊,H。,蔡,p . C。、高Y.-G。陈,P.-C。王,周宏儒。梁,林志信。(2001)生物。276年化学,47474 - 47482),也成为可见的一个亚基。 The sulfate ions suggest locations of the pyrophosphate groups of FPP and IPP in the active site. The Mg2+ is chelated by His-199 and Glu-213 from different subunits and possibly plays a structural rather than catalytic role. However, the metal ion is near the IPP-binding site, and double mutation of His-199 and Glu-213 to alanines showed a remarkable increase of Km value for IPP. Inside the tunnel, one Triton surrounds the top portion of the tunnel, and the other occupies the bottom part. These two Triton molecules may mimic the hydrocarbon moiety of the UPP product in the active site. Kinetic analysis indicated that a high concentration (>1%) of Triton inhibits the enzyme activity.


的名字 UniProt ID
Ditrans polycis-undecaprenyl-diphosphate合成酶((2 e 6 e) -farnesyl-diphosphate具体) P60472 细节