爱德华兹JW,李SG,希思LM, Pisaniello DL
环境研究》2007年1月,103 (1):38-45。Epub 2006年8月17日。
- PubMed ID
16914134 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
2001年,爆发的地中海实蝇在南澳大利亚阿德莱德则由政府工作人员应用有机磷杀虫剂(OPs)国内花园。居民声称与指控有关的副作用,工人应用实践很穷,导致污染的房屋,居民和宠物。的担忧导致了科威特国民议会,暂停OP果蝇申请控制,和打击果蝇的调查方法在大都市阿德莱德。工人和居民的暴露程度估计。本文描述了一个模拟的应用运维(倍硫磷和马拉硫磷)关心的测量潜在风险通过吸入、皮肤接触和杀虫剂对表面的沉积。数据被用来作为毒理学风险评估的一部分,以确定这些杀虫剂的使用可能带来的影响。马拉松,用作诱饵蛋白混合物悬浮1%,发现没有什么潜力机载曝光,尽管一些工人被发现到0.315 microg /厘米(2)马拉松沉积在工作服(主要在前臂)和超过500 microg沉积在班轮手套和帽子,分别。工人和居民低风险,风险可能是可接受的每日摄取的一小部分。倍硫磷,用作0.05%叶面喷雾,被发现在0.02和0.23毫克/ m(3)在空气中10 m顺风从喷雾活动和不太可能对居民构成重大风险,因为风险敞口的短时间20分钟。喷雾工人的个人空气样本平均为0.55毫克/米(3)(工作场所暴露标准0.20毫克/米(3))。因为工人们通常从事喷涂的一大部分天,这说明需要呼吸防护设备。 Maximum deposition of fenthion on workers overalls ranged from 0.06 to over 0.20 microg/cm(2), although little was found on gloves and hats, suggesting workers were skilled in avoiding the plume of overspray. Dialkyl phosphates (metabolites of OP insecticides) were not detected in urine of workers, and there were no changes observed in serum cholinesterase (SChE) enzyme activities 24h following the simulation. These data suggest absorption of OP insecticides by workers was negligible. Deposition on surfaces 5 and 10 m downwind ranged from none detected to 145 microg/cm(2), suggesting that exposure of residents and children in contact with contaminated surfaces (such as garden furniture or play equipment) is possible. Estimates of the potential dermal intake of fenthion by children from contaminated surfaces suggested that risks of acute and chronic effects are slight, since exposures may occur for short periods at intervals of approximately 10 days during fruit fly outbreaks.
- 药物