三个短负责热敏Rts1 DNA片段的表现型(次数)的宿主细菌生长。



土屋Mochida年代,H, Mori K,个性

三个短负责热敏Rts1 DNA片段的表现型(次数)的宿主细菌生长。

J Bacteriol。1991年4月,173 (8):2600 - 7。

PubMed ID
2013575 (在PubMed

Rts1 multiphenotype耐药性因素,其表型之一是热敏(次数)宿主细菌的增长。3.65 kb从Rts1 DNA片段被证明导致次数在宿主细胞表型。这段次数被限制酶分离,HincII,分为四个碎片。两个碎片被称为HincII-S(短)和HincII-L(长),分别。这两个片段授予次数表型,表明,事实上,这两个独立的区域负责次数表型。783 - 1479 -英国石油公司bp和HincII-L HincII-S片段测序。的地区HincII-S片段次数表型是由于收窄至146 - bp(核苷酸1到146)由各种限制性内切酶片段来进行。进一步消化146 - bp的片段Bal 31建议116 - bp(核苷酸9 - 124)次数所需的最小的序列片段。另一方面,HincII-L片段,片段的249个基点(核苷酸1210年至1458年)和321个基点的片段核苷酸(1942年至2262年)中分离热敏增长活动。没有三次数片段包含开放阅读框架。 The 249-bp fragment had very weak Tsg activity, while the 321-bp fragment had no Tsg activity. On the other hand, when these two fragments were together in the pUC19 vector, they exhibited very strong Tsg activity equivalent to that of the original 1,479-bp fragment. In addition, two of the 249-bp fragments gave similar, strong Tsg activity. The HincII-L 1,479-bp fragment contained an open reading frame for kanamycin resistance which was found between nucleotides 1423 and 2238. This kanamycin resistance gene sequence was different from that of the reported kanamycin resistance gene of Tn903 at 12 positions which were deduced to change seven amino acids.


的名字 UniProt ID
氨基糖苷类3 '磷酸转移酶 P00551 细节