药。1999年10月,58 (4):725 - 42。
- PubMed ID
10551440 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
雷是一个胃质子泵抑制剂。它会导致剂量依赖性抑制胃酸分泌,比奥美拉唑更迅速的行动。十二指肠溃疡愈合速度与雷20或40毫克/天治疗后比安慰剂或雷尼替丁150毫克每天4次,速度通常类似的奥美拉唑在十二指肠溃疡患者20毫克/天;雷是相似或优于这些药物缓解症状。雷20和40毫克/天治愈胃溃疡的速度比安慰剂,和雷20毫克/天愈合溃疡愈合率相似,奥美拉唑20毫克/天在为期6个月的控制研究中。胃溃疡症状缓解与雷提供的类似或优于奥美拉唑或安慰剂。gastro-oesophageal返流性疾病患者在8周的研究(GERD),雷10、20和40毫克/天比安慰剂更有效,雷20毫克/天是更有效的比雷尼替丁150毫克,每日两次,雷20毫克/天是奥美拉唑相似功效20毫克/天。症状缓解与雷在8周试验在GERD患者提供优于安慰剂,以及类似的雷尼替丁或奥美拉唑。雷是类似于奥美拉唑和优于安慰剂治疗和预防的维护治疗GERD患者症状在1年的研究。一周的三联疗法与雷20毫克每日两次抗菌药物+ 2 >或根除幽门螺杆菌= 90%,但是,正如人们预期的那样,一个疗程的雷20毫克每日两次+ 1抗菌剂不成功。 The drug was as effective as omeprazole and lansoprazole as part of triple therapy for H. pylori eradication. Rabeprazole successfully reduced acid output to target levels and prevented further pathological changes in 10 patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Usual dosages of rabeprazole are 20 mg/day for 4 weeks to treat duodenal ulcers, 6 weeks for gastric ulcers and 8 weeks for GERD, although some patients with duodenal ulcer may respond to a 10 mg/day dosage. For long term maintenance of GERD healing, 10 or 20 mg daily doses are adequate. Patients with hypersecretory states may need individualised dosages starting at 60 mg/day. The drug was well tolerated in clinical trials, with headache, rash, infection, diarrhoea and flu syndrome as the most common adverse events. In conclusion, rabeprazole appears to be a well tolerated proton pump inhibitor with a rapid onset of action and a low potential for drug interactions. The drug may be used to achieve healing and the relief of symptoms of duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and GERD, maintain GERD healing, and can form part of effective regimens to eradicate H. pylori.
- 药物靶点
药物 目标 类 生物 药理作用 行动 雷 Potassium-transporting atp酶α链1 蛋白质 人类 是的抑制剂细节