鲁迪·B,周润发,刘D,阿马里洛Y, Ozaita, Saganich M,莫雷诺H,纳达尔,女士Hernandez-Pineda R, Hernandez-Cruz, Erisir,伦纳德·C, Vega-Saenz de Miera E
安N Y科学。1999年4月30日;868:304-43。
- PubMed ID
10414303 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
四个哺乳动物Kv3基因已经被鉴定,每个生成,通过可变剪接,多个蛋白质产物c端序列的不同。产品delayed-rectifier Kv3.1和Kv3.2基因表达相似类型的电流在不同的表达系统,而Kv3.3和Kv3.4蛋白质表达a类型的电流。所有Kv3电流激活相对快速积极的电压超过-10 mV,和关闭速度非常快。Kv3 mrna在啮齿动物中枢神经系统的分布研究了原位杂交,和本地化Kv3.1 Kv3.2蛋白质通过免疫组织化学方法研究了。大多数Kv3.2 mrna(大约90%)出现在thalamic-relay整个背侧丘脑神经元。表达的蛋白质主要在这些神经元的轴突和终端。Kv3.2渠道被认为是重要的丘脑皮层的信号传输。Kv3.1和Kv3.2蛋白质在某些神经元数量如fast-spiking coexpressed皮层和海马的中间神经元和神经元在苍白球。共同沉淀研究表明这些细胞两种类型的蛋白质形式heteromeric频道。Kv3蛋白质似乎调解,在本地神经元,类似电流与异种的表达系统。 The activation voltage and fast deactivation rates are believed to allow these channels to help repolarize action potentials fast without affecting the threshold for action potential generation. The fast deactivating current generates a quickly recovering after hyperpolarization, thus maximizing the rate of recovery of Na+ channel inactivation without contributing to an increase in the duration of the refractory period. These properties are believed to contribute to the ability of neurons to fire at high frequencies and to help regulate the fidelity of synaptic transmission. Experimental evidence has now become available showing that Kv3.1-Kv3.2 channels play critical roles in the generation of fast-spiking properties in cortical GABAergic interneurons.