呼肠孤病毒血清型的序列1、2和3 L1基因片段和分析模式的分歧的呼肠孤病毒血清型。



维纳JR Joklik工作

呼肠孤病毒血清型的序列1、2和3 L1基因片段和分析模式的分歧的呼肠孤病毒血清型。

病毒学。1989年3月,169 (1):194 - 203。

PubMed ID
2922925 (在PubMed

我们报告的顺序L1基因段呼肠孤病毒血清型3迪林高产菌株,合成小核心组件蛋白质λ3。长3854 bp,长在位置19,1267年开始开放阅读框基码长。蛋白质λ3不明显与其他蛋白质,似乎也不具备图案的公认的专业功能的说明。我们还的L1基因片段测序呼肠孤病毒血清型1和2。血清型1和3 L1基因片段非常密切相关;只有154不匹配(4.1%),其中80%在三垒密码子位置,所以这两个λ3蛋白质98.3%相关(1267)中只有22不匹配。血清型2 L1基因段只有75%与血清型1和3基因组片段,和血清型2λ3相关蛋白是92%血清型1和3λ3蛋白质。我们也分析了散度模式的各种呼肠孤病毒基因组片段演变成三个血清型形式。看来,血清型2与血清型分离1/3前体之前血清型1和3本身分化。在所有情况下,三垒密码子在不同基因组片段对随机性已经背离了约80%。 The first and second base codon positions have diverged much less and to varying degree, depending, presumably, on each protein's ability to accept changes without significant loss of function. For the separation into the serotype 1 and 3 forms, the extent of divergence of the various genome varies over a very wide range. The S1 genome segments have again diverged most extensively, the extent of divergence in the first, second, and third base codon positions being about 50, 35 and 75%, respectively. For seven other genome segments that we examined the extent of third base codon position divergence is 56, 53, 48, 29, 22, 13, and 6%, whereas first and second base codon position divergence ranges from no more than 6 to 2 and 3 to less than 1%, respectively. The most likely explanation of these patterns is that the separation of the various genome segments into the present-day serotype 1 and 3 associated forms occurred at different times during evolution, from progenitors that were genome segment reassortants with survival rates as high as or higher than those of homologous genome segment sets.


的名字 UniProt ID
RNA-directed RNA聚合酶λ3 P0CK31 细节