Brandt P, Neve RL, kamesheidt A, Rhoads RE, Vanaman TC
- PubMed ID
1531651 (PubMed视图]
- 摘要
质膜Ca(2+)泵送atp酶(Ca(2+)- atp酶)mrna编码在四个不同的基因PMCA1-PMCA4上。已知其中一些基因的初级转录本在编码酶的调控域的区域交替剪接。已知交替剪接形式的这些Ca(2+)-ATPase mrna和一种新的剪接变体PMCA4 (PMCA4b),在这里提出,代表至少9种编码Ca(2+)-ATPases的不同mrna。在本报告中,使用cDNA的聚合酶链反应扩增和Southern blotting检测这些交替剪接的mrna的组织特异性分布,发现每个剪接的变体都有独特的组织分布。PMCA1b和PMCA4a存在于所有组织中。PMCA1a、PMCA1b和PMCA4b在可兴奋组织中表达,而PMCA1d仅在肌肉组织中表达。PMCA2在肝脏、肾上腺、脊髓和大脑中均有发现。PMCA3a存在于脊髓中,PMCA3b存在于胸腺、肾上腺、脊髓和大脑中。在本研究中检测到新的剪接变体PMCA4 (PMCA4b)的mRNA。从人脑和牛脑中分离并鉴定了该亚型的互补dna。 This alternately spliced form of the PMCA4 mRNA contained an exon inserted at the splice junction immediately following the sequence encoding the calmodulin-binding domain. As has also been shown for PMCA1a, this insertion produced a shift in the reading frame at the 3'-end of the PMCA4 mRNA that yielded a sequence encoding a Ca(2+)-ATPase lacking a large portion of the C-terminal regulatory domain. When the human PMCA4 gene spanning this region of variable exon splicing was sequenced, it confirmed the intron-exon boundaries where alternate splicing occurs to produce PMCA4a and PMCA4b.