细胞外超氧化物歧化酶(SOD3):组织表达、基因组特征,和计算机辅助人类EC SOD基因的序列分析。
福尔茨RJ Crapo JD
细胞外超氧化物歧化酶(SOD3):组织表达、基因组特征,和计算机辅助人类EC SOD基因的序列分析。
基因组学。1994年7月1;22 (1):162 - 71。
- PubMed ID
7959763 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
我们有孤立和超过10000个基点的人类特征EC SOD (SOD3或EC及其基因5 ',3 '侧翼地区。人类基因组印迹分析支持单个基因的存在,没有证据表明伪基因。人类EC SOD基因横跨大约5900个基点。该基因可分为2 3外显子和内含子。720 - bp编码区是不间断的,位于外显子3。560年英国石油公司5 '到转录起始站点被测序。没有明显的TATA盒被确认。各种守恒的cis元素被数据库搜索。必威国际app外显子3周围是一个Alu-J反向重复元素定位的5 '和3 '一个Alu-Sx重复元素的侧翼的DNA。EC型SOD组织表达的相对水平测定RNA凝胶污点分析。 Adult heart, placenta, pancreas, and lung had the most expression, followed by kidney, skeletal muscle, and liver. Little EC SOD message was found in the brain. A second unique mRNA, approximately 4.2 kb in length, was highly expressed in skeletal muscle. When tissue enzyme activity is compared to relative mRNA levels, there is a marked disparity in the brain, pancreas, and lung, suggesting that these tissues have enhanced affinity for circulating EC SOD or translate the EC SOD message more efficiently than other tissues. These results indicate that the EC SOD gene contains unique transcriptional regulatory elements and that its expression may be regulated at the post-transcriptional or post-translational level. The characterization of the human EC SOD gene should now allow the development of further insights into its biology and provide the basis for studies of its role in human heritable disorders.