Fundam临床药物。2004 Aug;18(4):399-411。
- PubMed ID
15312146 (PubMed视图]
- 摘要
比较了地氯雷他定、非索非那定、左西替利嗪和咪唑斯汀在人体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄。达到血浆峰值所需时间(tmax)左西替利嗪最短(0.9 h),地氯雷他定最长(>或=3 h)。地氯雷他定约6天后达到稳态血浆水平,非索非那定为3天,咪唑斯汀为2-3天,左西替利嗪为第2天。左西替利嗪(0.4 L/kg)和咪唑斯汀(1-1.2 L/kg)的表观分布量有限,非索非那定(5.4-5.8 L/kg)的表观分布量更大,地氯雷他定(约49 L/kg)的表观分布量尤其大。非索非那定和左西替利嗪的代谢似乎非常差(分别约占口服总剂量的5%和14%)。地氯雷他定和咪唑斯汀代谢广泛。在给健康志愿者服用14c -左西替利嗪后,85%和13%的放射性分别从尿液和粪便中恢复。相比之下,粪便是14c -非索非那定的首选排泄途径(80% vs.尿液中11%的放射性剂量)。14c -地氯雷他定的相应值为41%(尿液)和47%(粪便),14c -咪唑斯汀的相应值为84-95%(粪便)和8-15%(尿液)。咪唑斯汀的绝对生物利用度为50-65%;左西替利嗪较高,48小时尿液中药物消除率不变,为口服剂量的77%; the estimation for fexofenadine is at least 33%; no estimation was found for desloratadine. Fexofenadine is a P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate and P-gp is certainly involved both in the poor brain penetration by the compound and, at least partially, in a number of observed drug interactions. An interaction of desloratadine with P-gp has been suggested in mice, whereas the information on mizolastine is very poor. The fact that levocetirizine is a substrate of P-gp, although weak in an in vitro model, could contribute to prevent drug penetration into the brain, whereas it is unlikely to be of any clinical relevance for P-gp-mediated drug interactions.
- 药物