


Descamps V


安北京医学Venereol。2006 Aug-Sep; 133 (Pt - 1): 666 - 78。

PubMed ID
17053736 (在PubMed

依法(Raptiva Serono)是一个人性化单克隆抗体(IgG1)产生的生物技术。这个抗体有小说中生物疗法对牛皮癣。这是绑定到CD11a亚基的T淋巴细胞表面分子LFA-1(白细胞关联Antigen-1)。这个分子是必不可少的绑定ICAM-1分子的T淋巴细胞(细胞间粘附Molecule-1)上发现的抗原递呈细胞,内皮细胞和角化细胞。依法CD11a防止绑定的绑定LFA-1 ICAM-1,从而抑制免疫过程的几个步骤负责银屑病斑块的形成(幼稚T淋巴细胞的激活记忆T淋巴细胞,淋巴细胞迁移和活化T淋巴细胞的皮肤)。依法批准在美国FDA(食品及药物管理局)在2003年严重的治疗牛皮癣需要系统性治疗。它可能在美国作为一线治疗的指示。在法国,营销授权(MA)获得了最近2005年9月。种种迹象表明严重皮肤成年斑块性银屑病在失败的情况下,不耐受或至少两个系统性治疗的禁忌症包括光疗,甲氨蝶呤和环孢霉素。当前的临床试验数据对3500名斑块性银屑病患者可用。 A 75% improvement in PASI score was seen in between 22 and 39% of patients treated with efalizumab (vs. 2 to 5% for patients on placebo) in a single weekly subcutaneous injection (1 mg/kg). A study in good responders confirms the continuing long-term efficacy of prescription of the drug up to 36 months (with at least a 75% improvement in PASI score in 53% of patients). However, it is not effective against joint involvement in psoriasis. The most common side-effects (incidence >1/100) are influenza-like syndrome, risk of outbreak of cutaneous psoriasis during or after discontinuation of treatment, worsening of arthralgia, minor hypersensitivity reactions, reversible changes in laboratory values (hyperlymphocytosis, elevated alkaline phosphatases and transaminases). Because of rare cases of thrombocytopenia (incidence<1/100), reversible on discontinuation of treatment, monthly monitoring of platelet counts is required over the first 3 months of therapy. There are currently no randomised studies comparing the various systemic treatments (standard therapy and biotherapy) for psoriasis. However, on extrapolation of the available results concerning efficacy (PASI-75 after 12 weeks of treatment), efalizumab appears to be less efficacious than anti-TNF alpha agents. This drug constitutes an additional treatment option and its position in the therapeutic arsenal will depend upon its long-term benefit/risk ratio in relation to other biotherapies.


药物 目标 生物 药理作用 行动
依法 整合素alpha-L 蛋白质 人类