Kvernmo T,哈特,汉堡E
其他。2006年8月,28 (8):1065 - 78。
- PubMed ID
16982285 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
背景:多巴胺受体激动剂(DAs),可以归类为麦角派生non-ergot派生,用于治疗帕金森病。目的:本文描述了药理学和药代动力学性质选择DAs和临床结果与这些特征,重点是不良事件。方法:相关文章被确定通过搜索MEDLINE(2006年5月)使用多巴胺受体激动剂条款(或每个药物名称)和p必威国际appbarmacokinetics,代谢,药物之间的相互作用,相互作用,CYP450,纤维化,心脏瓣膜病、震颤、临床试验,评价和荟萃分析。摘要从最近几个交易日国际大会的帕金森病和运动障碍也检查。临床研究与< 20每治疗组患者总体或< 10位病人在最后的分析中被排除在外。所有评分DAs至少可能有用的关于3的4项连接到电动机症状的治疗/预防/并发症在最近的循证医学审查更新了。这导致了一个关注ergot-derived DAs溴麦角环肽,培高利特和卡麦角林,non-ergot-derived DAs pramipexole和罗匹尼罗。结果:溴麦角环肽,卡麦角林,培高利特,和罗匹尼罗,但不是pramipexole,潜在的药物之间的相互作用介导的细胞色素P450 (CYP)酶系统。运动障碍的发生可能与刺激多巴胺的D(1)受体,培高利特和卡麦角林有类似的和相对较高的亲和力;罗匹尼罗溴麦角环肽、pramipexole和相关运动困难的风险较低。 The valvular heart disease (VHD) and pulmonary and retroperitoneal fibrosis seen with long-term use appear to represent a class effect of the ergot-derived DAs that may be related to stimulation of serotonin 5-HT(2B) (and possibly 5-HT(2A)) receptors. The incidence of valvular regurgitation was 31% to 47% with ergot-derived DAs, 10% with non-ergot-derived DAs, and 13% with controls. CONCLUSIONS: As reflected in the results of the clinical trials included in this review, dyskinesia associated with DA therapy may be linked to stimulation of the D(1) receptor. Fibrosis (including VHD) seemed to be a class effect of the ergot-derived DAs. Each of the DAs except pramipexole has the potential to interact with other drugs via the CYP enzyme system.