查理——Kawalek JC,霍华德KD,法雷尔·德·德尔·J,应付简历,杰克逊JD,迈尔斯乔丹
兽医研究》2003年9月,64 (9):1167 - 75。
- PubMed ID
13677397 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
目的:确定的影响口服低剂量的戊巴比妥的细胞色素P450 (CYP)亚型和CYP-mediated反应在不成熟的小猎犬。动物:42不成熟的米格鲁猎犬(12个月)。过程:狗分组和8周口服治疗如下:低剂量的戊巴比妥(50 microg / d;4雄性,雌性),mid-dose戊巴比妥(150 microg / d;4雄性,雌性),高剂量的戊巴比妥(500 microg / d;4雄性,雌性),positive-pentobarbital控制(10毫克/公斤/天;2男性,女性),positive-phenobarbital控制(10毫克/公斤/天;2男性,女性),和消极的控制(盐水10.9%氯化钠)解决方案;5个雄性,雌性)。血清生化,血液值监测。 On necropsy examination, organ weights were determined, and histologic evaluation of tissue sections of liver, kidney, small intestine, testes, epididymis, and ovaries was performed. Hepatic and intestinal drug-metabolizing enzyme activities were measured, and relative amounts of CYP isoforms were determined by western blot analysis. RESULTS: The amount of a hepatic CYP2A-related isoform in dogs from the high-dose pentobarbital treatment group was twice that of dogs from the negative control group. CYP2C was not detectable in small intestinal mucosa of dogs from the negative control group; measurable amounts of CYP2C were found in dogs from the various (low-, mid-, and high-dose) pentobarbital treatment groups and from positive-pentobarbital and positive phenobarbital control groups. Several CYP-mediated reactions increased in a dose-dependent manner. The lowest calculated effective dose of pentobarbital ranged from 200 to 450 microg/d. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Several CYP isoforms and their associated reactions were induced in dogs by oral administration of low amounts of pentobarbital.
- 药物酶
药物 酶 类 生物 药理作用 行动 苯巴比妥 细胞色素P450 2 a6 蛋白质 人类 未知的诱导物细节 苯巴比妥 细胞色素P450 2 c8 蛋白质 人类 未知的诱导物细节 苯巴比妥 细胞色素P450 2 c9 蛋白质 人类 未知的底物诱导物细节