Oxaprozin NSAID-refractory周炎疼痛与双氯芬酸的肩膀。
海勒B, Tarricone R
Oxaprozin NSAID-refractory周炎疼痛与双氯芬酸的肩膀。
咕咕叫地中海Res当今。2004;8月20 (8):1279 - 90。
- PubMed ID
15324531 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
目的:评估的有效性和安全性oxaprozin相比,双氯芬酸周炎患者疼痛的肩膀之前失败的治疗非甾体类抗炎药双氯芬酸和oxaprozin之外。方法:在这个开放、多中心、随机、对照研究,合格的周炎患者肩膀随机接受oxaprozin 1200毫克每日一次(n = 49)或双氯芬酸50毫克每天三次(n = 47)。治疗期是15 + / - 1天。这项研究计划的假设两种研究药物之间的等价性。主要研究终点是改变基线患者肩痛得分在15天。次要疗效变量包括investigator-assessed肩功能,患者生活质量在Short-Form-36 (SF-36)急性健康调查和病人的,调查人员的整体评估疗效。结果:在15天,肩膀疼痛评分均值变化的基线oxaprozin和双氯芬酸组是-5.85 + / - SD 4.62和-5.54 + / - 4.41 SD,分别。两组之间的差异没有统计学意义,确定研究的假说,oxaprozin双氯芬酸一样有效。Investigator-assessed肩功能两组更以oxaprozin组在15天(p = 0.028)。生活质量作为衡量SF-36总分也改善了在两个治疗组,和一个趋势oxaprozin组更大的改进。 Furthermore, a significantly more favourable effect on the SF-36 'mental health' item was observed in oxaprozin compared with diclofenac-treated patients at day 15 (p = 0.0202). As assessed by investigators, the overall efficacy of oxaprozin was superior to that for diclofenac at visit 3 (8 +/- 1 days) (p = 0.0067). Patients also assessed the overall efficacy of oxaprozin as superior to that of diclofenac at visits 3 (8 +/- 1 days) (p = 0.0235) and 4 (15 +/- 1 days) (p = 0.0272). Only six adverse events, all of which were mild or moderate in intensity and occurred in four diclofenac recipients, were observed in the study. CONCLUSIONS: As expected, once-daily oxaprozin proved to be as effective as diclofenac three times daily in reducing the primary efficacy variable of patient-assessed shoulder pain score in patients with periarthritis of the shoulder refractory to previous treatments with other NSAIDs. Oxaprozin was shown to be superior to diclofenac in improving shoulder function and was considered by investigators and patients to have greater overall efficacy than diclofenac. In addition, oxaprozin showed a trend toward superior results in improving patients' quality of life compared with diclofenac. A trend towards better tolerability results for oxaprozin compared with diclofenac was also noted.
- 药物