曹国伟Y,陈周,王党卫军,赖KH、连续波,林CY,陈,Whang-Peng J,刘晔王寅,李SD
4月J杂志。1997;12 (4):277 - 81。
- PubMed ID
9195366 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
这是一份报告的第二阶段研究醋酸甲地孕酮(160毫克/天,口头)在肝细胞癌(HCC)的治疗。46个晚期肝癌患者进行了研究和肿瘤反应,改变食欲,体重,一种幸福的感觉,生存和毒性进行评估。32名患者能够评估反应;没有完整的反应或部分反应。12例(38%)有稳定的疾病,其中7名患者有轻微的反应与粒度中值减少18%的肿瘤。20例(62%)有进步的疾病。五24例(21%)患者中降低甲胎蛋白水平的59 ng / mL。整体的生存中值是4个月27个月(范围1周)。二十32例(62%)患者有增加食欲和幸福的感觉。十四22例(64%)患者平均瘦体重增加5公斤(范围1 - 14公斤)。 Toxicities were minimal. Tests for glucocorticoid receptors were performed in 10 patients. Four of five patients who were positive for glucocorticoid receptors in the tumour had a stable disease and all five patients who were negative for glucocorticoid receptors had progressive disease. Megestrol acetate had no significant effect on the tumour in HCC patients. However, megestrol acetate is useful in the palliative management of HCC patients, with improvements in appetite, bodyweight and a feeling of well-being with minimal side effects. Some patients had stable disease, a minor reduction of tumour size and a prolonged survival after megestrol acetate treatment and this response may be related to the presence of glucocorticoid receptors in the HCC tumour.