从年代,Szucs G,诺里斯,Droogmans G, Nilius B
Br J杂志。1995年8月,115 (8):1393 - 8。
- PubMed ID
8564197 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
1。我们研究报告的影响氯通道阻滞剂,钠cromoglycate volume-activated Cl -电流从牛肺动脉内皮细胞通过全细胞膜片箝技术。Cl -电流激活具有挑战性的细胞的细胞外低渗的溶液60%的正常的渗透性。2。一半最大激活当前的+ 95 mV后发生接触的细胞为148 + / - 10 s (n = 6)低渗的解决方案(高温超导)。在相同的膜电位,但100年出现microM cromoglycate钠(disodium-1,3 -二(2 ' -carboxylate-chromone-5 ' -yloxy) 2-hydroxy-propane)激活被推迟(253 + / - 25 s、n = 6)和最大电流幅值减少到63 + / - 7%的控制(n = 13)。3所示。相比之下,一个克分子数相等的浓度NPPB (5-nitro-2 (3-phenyl) propylamino-benzoic酸),另一个氯离子通道阻滞剂,完全封锁了volume-activated当前在不到20年代。4。钠cromoglycate,应用时HTS-induced电流完全激活,剂量依赖性抑制当前浓度一半最大抑制310 + / - 70 microM。数据nedocromil钠钠cromoglycate没有显著的不同。 5. Sodium cromoglycate, loaded into the endothelial cells via the patch pipette in ruptured patches, resulted in a decline of the HTS activated current with a time course that was compatible with diffusion of the compound from the pipette into the cell. Intracellulary applied sodium cromoglycate was also more effective and at 50 microM caused a decrease in the amplitude of the current to 25 +/- 6% (n = 10) of the control current.6 It is concluded that blockade of volume-activated Cl- currents by extracellular sodium cromoglycatemay be due to an intracellular action following its permeation across the cell membrane.
- 药物