Toleman Samuelsen啊,妈,Sundsfjord,里德伯J, Leegaard TM,困境,Lia, Ranheim TE, Rajendra Y,赫曼森不,沃尔什TR, gisk CG
Antimicrob代理Chemother。2010年1月,54 (1):346 - 52。doi: 10.1128 / AAC.00824-09。Epub 2009 11月2。
- PubMed ID
19884381 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
斯堪的那维亚地区被认为是一个低流行率的抗菌素耐药性。然而,耐多药(MDR)革兰氏阴性细菌的数量增加,包括金属-β-内酰胺酶(MBL)第铜绿假单胞菌。在这项研究中MBL-producing铜绿假单胞菌分离鉴定(n = 4)在挪威和瑞典(n = 9)从1999年到2007年为特征。两个国际克隆复合物(CC), CC111 (n = 8)和CC235 (n = 2),之前与MBL-producing隔离,是占主导地位的。CC111隔离(ST111/229;血清型O12;bla (VIM-2))包括无性生殖相关隔离标识史县瑞典(n = 6),和两个隔离与进口来自希腊和丹麦。CC111隔离,bla (VIM-2)是位于整合子In59.2或In59变体。两个CC235隔离(ST235 / ST230;血清型O11; bla(VIM-4)) were imported from Greece and Cyprus, were possibly clonally related, and carried bla(VIM-4) in two different integron structures. Three isolates imported from Ghana (ST233; serotype O6; bla(VIM-2)), Tunisia (ST654; serotype O11; bla(VIM-2)), and Thailand (ST260; serotype O6; bla(IMP-14)) were clonally unrelated. ST233 was part of a new CC (CC233) that included other MBL-producing isolates, while ST654 could also be part of a new CC associated with MBL producers. In the isolates imported from Ghana and Tunisia, bla(VIM-2) was part of unusual integron structures lacking the 3' conserved segment and associated with transposons. The bla(VIM) gene was found to be located on the chromosome in all isolates. Known risk factors for acquisition of MBL were reported for all patients except one. The findings suggest that both import of successful international clones and local clonal expansion contribute to the emergence of MBL-producing P. aeruginosa in Scandinavia.