


陈L, Cai Y,金J, Florens L, Swanson SK,沃什伯恩议员Conaway JW, Conaway RC


J生物化学杂志。2011年4月1;286 (13):11283 - 9。doi: 10.1074 / jbc.M111.222505。Epub 2011年2月8日。

PubMed ID
21303910 (在PubMed

我们之前识别和净化人类ATP-dependent染色质重构复杂与酿酒酵母相似INO80复杂(金,J。Cai, Y。,姚明,T。,Gottschalk以及a·J。Florens, L。Swanson,美国K。古铁雷斯,j·L。科尔曼,m K。工人,j·L。Mushegian,。此役,m . P。Conaway, r . C。Conaway, j . w .(2005)生物。化学。280年,41207 - 41212)和证明,它由(i) Snf2家庭腺苷三磷酸酶(hIno80)相关序列的酿酒酵母Ino80腺苷三磷酸酶;(2)七个额外的进化保存子单元同源酵母INO80复杂的子单元;显然,(3)六metazoan-specific子单元。在这个报告中,我们目前的证据表明,人类INO80复杂的由三个模块组成,装配hIno80 atp酶的三个不同的领域。 These modules include (i) one that is composed of the N terminus of the hIno80 protein and all of the metazoan-specific subunits and is not required for ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling; (ii) a second that is composed of the hIno80 Snf2-like ATPase/helicase and helicase-SANT-associated/post-HSA (HSA/PTH) domain, the actin-related proteins Arp4 and Arp8, and the GLI-Kruppel family transcription factor YY1; and (iii) a third that is composed of the hIno80 Snf2 ATPase domain, the Ies2 and Ies6 proteins, the AAA(+) ATPases Tip49a and Tip49b, and the actin-related protein Arp5. Through purification and characterization of hINO80 complex subassemblies, we demonstrate that ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling by the hINO80 complex is catalyzed by a core complex comprising the hIno80 protein HSA/PTH and Snf2 ATPase domains acting in concert with YY1 and the complete set of its evolutionarily conserved subunits. Taken together, our findings shed new light on the structure and function of the INO80 chromatin-remodeling complex.


的名字 UniProt ID
RuvB-like 2 Q9Y230 细节