Salahudeen AK,奥利弗B,鲍尔JD,罗伯茨LJ 2日
肾脏Int。2001年10月;60(4):1525 - 31所示。
- PubMed ID
11576368 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
背景:在epoetin-treated透析患者中,目前铁是由静脉途径维持最佳红细胞生成。然而,快速输液的铁转铁蛋白绑定能力过剩会导致游离铁的可用性可以理论上催化过氧化脂质,如低密度脂蛋白(LDL),当氧化改性促炎和促进动脉粥样化形成。方法:为了解决这个问题,我们的研究使用可用的脂质过氧化作用的具体措施,即气相色谱/质量spectometry F2-isoprostanes (GC / MS)分析。使用勘察设计、收集血样前15分钟后(前)和30分钟(post)一小时700毫克丸注入静脉铁在22个成人home-hemodialysis病人non-hemodialysis的一天。结果:iron-dextran输液,血清铁明显增加(+ / - SE, 42 + / - 4和311 + / - 92 microg / dL, P < 0.0001),超过100%的转铁蛋白饱和度22的22例(23 + / - 3与以前文章165 + / - 8%,P < 0.0001)。等离子体浓度的免费F2-isoprostanes输注的铁没有明显变化(40 + / - 5与以前帖子39 + / - 6 pg / mL)。然而,F2-isoprostanes水平在血浆脂蛋白显著增加酯化postinfusion样本(199 + / - 19前和后233 + / - 25 pg / mL, P < 0.004)。Pre-infusion血清铁水平与Pre-infusion水平直接相关的酯化F2-isoprostanes (r = 0.56, P = 0.008),它坚持postinfusion时期(r = 0.43, P = 0.04)。然而,之间没有相关性酯化F2-isoprostanes和血清铁蛋白水平。在过去的四个病人中收集血液样本5个小时静脉铁注入后,有进一步增加酯化F2-isoprostanes与postinfusion血清铁水平密切相关(r = 0.99, P = 0.013)。 In a control study, the in vitro addition of iron dextran to blood samples did not increase free or esterified F2-isoprostanes, suggesting that the increase in esterified F2-isoprostanes seen in vivo after iron infusion in patients is not due to a procedural artifact. CONCLUSION: Collectively our data suggest that high levels of serum iron appearing soon after a large bolus of iron infusion is associated with significant, albeit modest, increases in levels of F2-isoprostanes esterified in plasma lipoproteins that tended to increase with time. Although it is uncertain whether this degree of lipid peroxidation may have deleterious effects, it may be sagacious to explore whether this can be prevented by slow infusion of frequent smaller doses of iron and, if necessary, along with administration of antioxidants.
- 药物载体
药物 航空公司 类 生物 药理作用 行动 右旋糖酐铁 Serotransferrin 蛋白质 人类 未知的底物细节