




科克伦数据库系统启2017年8月20日;8:CD008502。cd008502.pub5 doi: 10.1002/14651858.。

PubMed ID
28822350 (在PubMed

背景:巴氯芬显示潜力迅速减少的症状严重酒精戒断综合症(AWS)在酗酒的人。巴氯芬治疗很容易管理,很少产生兴奋或者其他愉快的效果,或对毒品的渴望。这是一个更新版本的原始Cochrane综述发表于2015年,问题4。目的:评估患者AWS巴氯芬的临床疗效和安全性。必威国际app搜索方法:下面我们更新了我们的搜索数据库2017年3月:Cochrane毒品和酒精组专门登记,中央,PubMed、Embase, CINAHL。我们也搜索注册正必威国际app在进行的试验。我们hands必威国际appearched引用引用识别试验,从人员,寻求信息,制药公司和相关试验作者未发表或未完成试验。我们将没有语言的限制。选择标准:我们包括所有随机对照临床试验(相关的)评估巴氯芬与安慰剂或其他治疗AWS。我们排除了不可控、non-randomised或quasi-randomised试验。 We included both parallel group and cross-over studies. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We used standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane. MAIN RESULTS: We included three RCTs with 141 randomised participants. We did not perform meta-analyses due to the different control interventions. For the comparison of baclofen and placebo (1 study, 31 participants), there was no significant difference in Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of Alcohol Scale, Revised (CIWA-Ar) scores (very low quality evidence). For the comparison of baclofen and diazepam (1 study, 37 participants), there was no significant difference in CIWA-Ar scores (very low quality evidence), adverse events (risk difference (RD) 0.00, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.10 to 0.10; very low quality evidence), dropouts (RD 0.00, 95% CI -0.10 to 0.10; very low quality evidence), and dropouts due to adverse events (RD 0.00, 95% CI -0.10 to 0.10; very low quality evidence). For the comparison of baclofen and chlordiazepoxide (1 study, 60 participants), there was no significant difference in CIWA-Ar scores (mean difference (MD) 1.00, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.30; very low quality evidence), global improvement (MD 0.10, 95% CI -0.03 to 0.23; very low quality evidence), adverse events (RD 2.50, 95% CI 0.88 to 7.10; very low quality of evidence), dropouts (RD 0.00, 95% CI -0.06 to 0.06; very low quality evidence), and dropouts due to adverse events (RD 0.00, 95% CI -0.06 to 0.06; very low quality evidence). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: No conclusions can be drawn about the efficacy and safety of baclofen for the management of alcohol withdrawal because we found insufficient and very low quality evidence.

