霍恩Behav。1996年9月,30 (3):244 - 50。doi: 10.1006 / hbeh.1996.0029。
- PubMed ID
8918680 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
在我们实验室之前的研究已经表明,雌二醇和孕激素影响β-内啡肽和Met-enkephalin水平在特定的大脑区域,这些影响在白天控制。目前的调查进行评估的影响雌二醇和孕激素在大脑疼痛延迟和阿片受体大鼠去卵巢后的骨骼状况。女性Sprague-Dawley老鼠(100 - 120 g)适应12小时光:12小时黑暗照明周期被用于这些研究。动物被切除卵巢的戊巴比妥麻醉。10 - 14天的恢复期后,雌二醇(50毫克/公斤/天0.2毫升橄榄油)和孕酮(5毫克/公斤/天0.1毫升橄榄油)仅在背颈部区域管理皮下注射,结合7天的hr 16:00时。控制动物收到0.2毫升橄榄油。控制和治疗组每日疼痛评估延迟接受使用tailflick和电炉的方法。在7天的药物治疗,动物被decapitiation牺牲后疼痛延迟评价。整个大脑被移除,并立即冻结在-70度c .绑定和大脑鸦片受体的亲和力测定每个治疗组。结果表明,雌二醇和孕酮治疗单独或结合大大改变痛苦延迟。 This alteration in pain was not accompanied by any change in affinity or number of mu opioid receptors. However, an increase in Kd of kappa opiate receptors was observed following treatment with estradiol, progesterone, or their combination. This increase in Kd of kappa opiate receptors may in part explain the increased hotplate sensitivity following estrogen administration. The present findings suggest that the decrease in pain sensitivity induced by estradiol or progesterone could not be explained by their effects on opioid receptors. The previously reported effects of estradiol and progesterone on brain levels of beta-endorphin and Met-enkephalin may contribute to the analgesic effects of these steroids.
- 药物靶点
药物 目标 类 生物 药理作用 行动 孕酮 Kappa-type阿片受体 蛋白质 人类 未知的激活剂电位器细节