


Albers JJ, Vuletic年代,张MC


Biochim Biophys学报。2012年3月,1821 (3):345 - 57。doi: 10.1016 / j.bbalip.2011.06.013。Epub 2011年6月28日。

PubMed ID
21736953 (在PubMed

的生理和病理生理作用的理解PLTP自发现以来大大增加PLTP超过四分之一的世纪以前。全面回顾PLTP提出下列主题:PLTP基因组织和结构;PLTP传输性质;不同形式的PLTP;等离子体的特点PLTP情结;等离子体PLTP活动,关系质量和特定的活动和脂蛋白代谢因素;PLTP在脂蛋白代谢中的作用;PLTP和反向胆固醇运输;从PLTP变异的研究见解;从动物研究的见解PLTP; PLTP and atherosclerosis; PLTP and signal transduction; PLTP in the brain; and PLTP in human disease. PLTP's central role in lipoprotein metabolism and lipid transport in the vascular compartment has been firmly established. However, more studies are needed to further delineate PLTP's functions in specific tissues, such as the lung, brain and adipose tissue. Furthermore, the specific role that PLTP plays in human diseases, such as atherosclerosis, cancer, or neurodegenerative disease, remains to be clarified. Exciting directions for future research include evaluation of PLTP's physiological relevance in intracellular lipid metabolism and signal transduction, which undoubtedly will advance our knowledge of PLTP functions in health and disease. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in High Density Lipoprotein Formation and Metabolism: A Tribute to John F. Oram (1945-2010).


的名字 UniProt ID
磷脂转运蛋白 P55058 细节