Dooley M,马卡姆
衰老药物。1998年6月,12 (6):495 - 514。doi: 10.2165 / 00002512-199812060-00007。
- PubMed ID
9638397 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
未标记的:Pramipexole是一种口服non-ergoline多巴胺受体激动剂与选择性活动属于多巴胺受体D2受体亚科(D2、D3、D4受体亚型)和优惠亲和力D3受体亚型。批准作为单一疗法辅助治疗在早期帕金森病和左旋多巴在晚期疾病患者经历电动机由于减少左旋多巴反应的影响。pramipexole的潜在的神经保护作用已被证明在动物和体外研究。数据从较长期(10 -或31-week)研究表明pramipexole单一疗法(0.375 - 6.0毫克/天)可以提高日常生活活动和运动症状患者的早期帕金森病。Pramipexole 31(0.375 - 4.5毫克/天或36周),作为一个兼职左旋多巴在先进的疾病,提高日常生活活动和运动症状,减少了“关闭”时期的持续时间和严重程度,允许减少左旋多巴的剂量。心理状态、行为和情绪(统一帕金森病评定量表(UPDRS)我部分),和定时行走测试没有显著改善。残疾的程度上改善根据UPDRS第二和第三部分,但当次要疗效评估参数,目前尚不清楚是否残疾或疾病严重程度提高。没有观察到显著差异的病人随机pramipexole或溴麦角环肽根据第二个假说的前瞻性研究中这两种药物优于安慰剂。提高生活质量措施积极治疗相对于安慰剂。进一步的研究比较pramipexole与其他多巴胺受体激动剂和左旋多巴在早期和晚期帕金森疾病患者是有用的。 In pramipexole recipients with early disease, the most commonly experienced adverse events were nausea, dizziness, somnolence, insomnia, constipation, asthenia and hallucinations. The most commonly reported adverse events in pramipexole recipients with advanced disease were orthostatic hypotension, dyskinesias, extrapyramidal syndrome (defined as a worsening of the Parkinson's disease), dizziness, hallucinations, accidental injury, dream abnormalities, confusion, constipation, asthenia, somnolence, dystonia, gait abnormality, hypertonia, dry mouth, amnesia and urinary frequency. The incidence of some adverse events did not greatly differ between pramipexole and placebo recipients. CONCLUSIONS: Pramipexole is effective as adjunctive therapy to levodopa in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease. However, the potential beneficial effects of pramipexole on disease progression need to be confirmed in clinical studies. The efficacy of pramipexole monotherapy in patients with early disease has also been demonstrated, although the use of dopamine agonists in early Parkinson's disease remains controversial.
- 药物靶点
药物 目标 类 生物 药理作用 行动 Pramipexole 多巴胺D2受体 蛋白质 人类 是的受体激动剂细节 Pramipexole 多巴胺D3受体 蛋白质 人类 是的受体激动剂细节 Pramipexole 多巴胺D4受体 蛋白质 人类 是的受体激动剂细节