


雷蒙C,桑德迦B, Hilsted L, Bytzer P


胃肠病学。2009年7月,137 (1):80 - 7,87. e1。doi: 10.1053 / j.gastro.2009.03.058。Epub 2009 4月10。

PubMed ID
19362552 (在PubMed

背景与目的:反弹酸分泌过多(万岁)已经证明治疗8周后服用PPI (PPI)。如果万岁诱发acid-related症状,这可能导致PPI依赖性,因此具有重要意义。方法:随机、双盲、安慰剂对照试验与120名健康志愿者进行了。参与者被随机分配到12周的安慰剂或8周艾40毫克/天4周与安慰剂紧随其后。胃肠道症状评定量表(gsr)每周填写。> 2分1的问题关于胃灼热,反酸,或消化不良被定义为一个临床相关acid-related症状。结果:组间没有明显差异在基线gsr的分数。gsr acid-related症状生活质量得分显著高于PPI组在10周(1.4 + / - 1.4 vs 1.2 + / - 0.9;P = 0),一周11 (1.4 + / - 1.4 vs 1.2 + / - 0.9;P = .009),第12周(1.3 + / - 1.2 vs 1.0 + / - 0.3; P = .001). Forty-four percent (26/59) of those randomized to PPI reported > or = 1 relevant, acid-related symptom in weeks 9-12 compared with 15% (9/59; P < .001) in the placebo group. The proportion reporting dyspepsia, heartburn, or acid regurgitation in the PPI group was 13 of 59 (22%) at week 10, 13 of 59 (22%) at week 11, and 12 of 58 (21%) at week 12. Corresponding figures in the placebo group were 7% at week 10 (P = .034), 5% at week 11 (P = .013), and 2% at week 12 (P = .001). CONCLUSIONS: PPI therapy for 8 weeks induces acid-related symptoms in healthy volunteers after withdrawal. This study indicates unrecognized aspects of PPI withdrawal and supports the hypothesis that RAHS has clinical implications.

