




丹Medicinhist Arbog 2004:119-32。

PubMed ID
15685783 (在PubMed

几个世纪以来,药物,增加心脏衰竭的收缩的力量已被用于治疗充血性心力衰竭(水肿)。心脏的作用是由于心脏苷的内容。虾蛄或海运洋葱,Urginea(斯库拉)maritima海滨植物,也可能被古罗马人、叙利亚和古埃及人。虾蛄使用不正常,但一些处方表明他们可能是用于治疗水肿的状态。毒毛旋花子物种的毒性作用被从非洲当地人使用的毒箭。洋地黄,派生形式毛地黄植物紫花洋地黄),早在1250年著作中提到;威尔士的家庭,被称为Myddvai的医生,收集不同的草药和洋地黄是包含在他们的处方。然而,druge使用不正常,直到18世纪,威廉时,一位英国医生和植物学家,出版了一本专著描述毛地黄植物的提取物的临床效果。之后的1785年,指示和洋地黄中毒的报道在他的书中,“一个帐户毛地黄和它的一些医疗使用的实际评价浮肿,和其他疾病”。在丹麦,紫花洋地黄)的叶子或洋地黄lanata强心苷活动进行了测试。 The standardized digitalis powder was used in tinctures, infusions, and tablets. The preparations were included in successive editions of the Danish pharmacopoeia, some of the tinctures already in 1828, i.e. before the standardization of the drug. Isolation of cardiac glycosides from digitalis, strophanthus and squill and determination of their chemical structures initiated biochemical and pharmacological studies. The scientific advances led to an understanding of cardiac muscle contractility and the Na,K pump as the cellular receptor for the inotropic action of digitalis. Examination of putative endogenous ligands to the receptor revealed some endogenous cardiac glycosides of similar or identical structures as those found in digitalis, strophanthus and squill. Increased concentrations of these glycosides are found in patients with heart failure. Further investigations are needed to determine whether the secretion of glycosides might be a physiologic response to a diminished cardiac output.

