中华内分泌杂志1985 5;60(5):1025-31。doi: 10.1210 /研究报告- 60 - 5 - 1025。
- PubMed ID
2579968 (PubMed视图]
- 摘要
利尿剂速尿胺在平衡透析、右旋糖酐-木炭和竞争性配体结合分离系统中抑制血清蛋白与T4的结合,并从分离的T4结合球蛋白(TBG)、前白蛋白和白蛋白制剂中取代[125I]T4。对未稀释正常血清的平衡透析研究表明,约10微克/毫升速尿可增加游离T4和游离T3组分。在白蛋白和TBG水平低于正常值的血清中,药物浓度较低时发生移位。未标记的T4抑制了[14C]速尿与TBG的结合,这表明速尿和T4具有共同的结合位点。5例维持腹膜透析的患者单次口服500 mg速尿可使[125I]T4(用1:10稀释的血清)木炭摄取百分比从4.1 +/- 1.0 (+/- SE)增加到10.8 +/- 4.3 (P < 0.01)。5 h后总T3从75 +/- 5下降到56 +/- 13 ng/dl (P < 0.01),总T4从6.7 +/- 0.9下降到4.8 +/- 0.8微克/dl (P < 0.01)。不同配体抑制[125I]T4与血清蛋白的结合,其相对摩尔关系如下:T4, 1;速尿,1.5 X 10(3);芬芬酸,2 X 10(4);甲灭酸。2.5 x 10(4); diphenylhydantoin, 4 X 10[4); ethacrynic acid, 10(5); heparin 5 X 10(5); 2-hydroxybenzoylglycine, 10(6); and sodium salicylate, 1.5 X 10(6). These studies demonstrate that furosemide competes for T4-binding sites on TBG, prealbumin, and albumin, so that a single high dose can acutely lower total T4 and T3 levels. The drug is much more potent on a molar basis than other drug inhibitors of T4 binding, but at normal therapeutic concentrations, furosemide is unlikely to decrease serum T4 or T3. However, high doses, diminished renal clearance, hypoalbuminemia, and low TBG accentuate its T4- and T3-lowering effect. Hence, furosemide should be considered a possible cause of low thyroid hormone levels in patients with critical illness. The significance of this drug in reports of impaired hormone and drug binding in renal failure requires further assessment.
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