Patsalos PN
43 Pharmacokinet。2004; (11): 707 - 24。doi: 10.2165 / 00003088-200443110-00002。
- PubMed ID
15301575 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
自1989年以来,八个新的抗癫痫药物(aed)已获得临床使用的许可。Levetiracetam是最新的授权和辅助疗法用于治疗成人部分癫痫患者有或没有二级耐火其他一线建立aed的概括。药代动力学的研究levetiracetam一直在健康的志愿者进行的,对于成人,儿童和老人癫痫患者,患者的肾和肝损害。口服摄入后,levetiracetam迅速吸收,峰值浓度发生后1.3小时,及其生物利用度> 95%。Co-ingestion食物放缓但不吸收的程度。Levetiracetam不是绑定到血浆蛋白,体积分布的0.5 - -0.7 L /公斤。等离子体浓度比例增加剂量的临床相关的剂量范围(500 - 5000毫克)和没有证据的积累在多个管理。24 - 48小时内实现稳态血药浓度。消除半衰期在成年志愿者,成人癫痫,癫痫儿童和老年志愿者是6 - 8,6 - 8,分别为5 - 7和10 - 11小时。大约有34%的levetiracetam剂量unmetabolised随着尿液排出代谢和66%; however, the metabolism is not hepatic but occurs primarily in blood by hydrolysis. Autoinduction is not a feature. As clearance is renal in nature it is directly dependent on creatinine clearance. Consequently, dosage adjustments are necessary for patients with moderate to severe renal impairment. To date, no clinically relevant pharmacokinetic interactions between AEDs and levetiracetam have been identified. Similarly, levetiracetam does not interact with digoxin, warfarin and the low-dose contraceptive pill; however, adverse pharmacodynamic interactions with carbamazepine and topiramate have been demonstrated. Overall, the pharmacokinetic characteristics of levetiracetam are highly favourable and make its clinical use simple and straightforward.
- 药物
- 药物反应
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药物 交互 整合药物之间
在您的软件的交互卡马西平 Levetiracetam 不利影响的风险或严重性可以增加当Levetiracetam结合卡马西平。 托吡酯 Levetiracetam 不利影响的风险或严重性Levetiracetam时可以增加与托吡酯相结合。