Human cytosolic sulfotransferase database mining: identification of seven novel genes and pseudogenes.

Article Details


Freimuth RR, Wiepert M, Chute CG, Wieben ED, Weinshilboum RM

Human cytosolic sulfotransferase database mining: identification of seven novel genes and pseudogenes.

Ph值armacogenomics J. 2004;4(1):54-65. doi: 10.1038/sj.tpj.6500223.

PubMed ID
14676822 [View in PubMed

A total of 10 SULT genes are presently known to be expressed in human tissues. We performed a comprehensive genome-wide search for novel SULT genes using two different but complementary approaches, and developed a novel graphical display to aid in the annotation of the hits. Seven novel human SULT genes were identified, five of which were predicted to be pseudogenes, including two processed pseudogenes and three pseudogenes that contained introns. Those five pseudogenes represent the first unambiguous SULT pseudogenes described in any species. Expression-profiling studies were conducted for one novel gene, SULT6B1, and a series of alternatively spliced transcripts were identified in the human testis. SULT6B1 was also present in chimpanzee and gorilla, differing at only seven encoded amino-acid residues among the three species. The results of these database mining studies will aid in studies of the regulation of these SULT genes, provide insights into the evolution of this gene family in humans, and serve as a starting point for comparative genomic studies of SULT genes.

DrugBank Data that Cites this Article

Name UniProt ID
Sulfotransferase 1C3 Q6IMI6 Details
Sulfotransferase 6B1 Q6IMI4 Details