年代,麦当劳Lunte C
制药研究》2003年11月,20 (11):1827 - 34。
- PubMed ID
14661928 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
目的:Esterom解决方案,开展医药产品,来源于benzoylmethylecgonine的酯化(可卡因)1.2丙二醇。最终解决方案包含组件的混合物。Esterom解决方案的目的是成为一个局部镇痛来缓解疼痛,增加关节活动度的病人患有急性炎症的肩部或背部。尽管Esterom已知的组件,组件负责镇痛最近才被确认。本研究的目的是评估哪些组件有能力穿透皮肤,实必威国际app际上多少穿透,如果每个组件是如何进行代谢和/或在本地和分布式。探测方法:线性微量透析可把时程延长植入大鼠真皮。单个组件出现在Esterom解决方案分别应用到真皮直接调查。皮肤透析样本收集评估每个化合物的真皮渗透后局部应用程序。结果:10毫克/ 50 microL后的应用程序。1.8 + / - 0.6毫米苯甲酸检测在高原大约220分钟后,羟丙基苯甲酸应用程序,完成水解与高原观察苯甲酸浓度的137 + / - 19 microM(150分钟高原)。 When applied separately, hydroxypropyl benzoylecgonine and ecgonine penetrate the skin with plateau concentrations of 32 +/- 9 microM (15 h plateau) and 36 +/- 5 microM (150 min plateau) respectively. Benzoylecgonine, the hydrolytic product of HP-BE, was also detected with a plateau concentration of 3.9 +/- 0.1 microM (16 h plateau) Applied topically, ecgonidine, methylecgonidine, benzoylecgonine, and hydroxypropyl ecgonidine were not detected. CONCLUSIONS: Of the components with analgesic activity, the only compound that penetrates the skin is hydroxypropyl benzoylecgonine. Dermal microdialysis was shown to be an effective technique to monitor the skin penetration of topically applied compounds.
- 药物