眼睛(Lond)。2019年2月,33 (2):200 - 205。doi: 10.1038 / s41433 - 018 - 0265 - 2。Epub 2018年11月1日。
- PubMed ID
30385883 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
背景/目的:眼球运动眼病(TAO),一种自身免疫性组件坟墓的疾病,仍然是一个毁容和潜在的致盲的条件。这里,作者综述了胰岛素样生长因子受体途径在道的作用,以及它如何可能是治疗的目标。方法:综述了最近文献。结果:道是反应性的轨道结缔组织和重构。虽然很多细节关于道的发病机制仍有待确定,最近一些见解已经暴露出来。其中的IGF-IR显然共同参与。这种受体蛋白质,membrane-spanning酪氨酸激酶受体可以形成物理和功能配合物与促甲状腺素受体(TSHR)。这是值得注意的,因为TSHR是建立主自身抗原在甲状腺机能亢进。IGF-IR活动信号下游IGF-IR和TSHR的关键。此外,抗体IGF-IR已发现在甲状腺机能亢进患者和道的啮齿动物模型。 Evidence has been put forward that these antibodies may act directly on IGF-IR, perhaps in some manner activating the receptor. These experimental observations have led to the development of a novel therapy for active TAO, utilizing a monoclonal anti-IGF-IR inhibitory antibody which had been produced originally as treatment for cancer. The agent, teprotumumab was recently evaluated in a clinical trial and found to be highly effective and relatively well-tolerated. It is currently undergoing assessment in a follow-up trial. CONCLUSIONS: Should the current study yield similarly encouraging results, it is possible that teprotumumab will emerge as a paradigm-shifting medical therapy for TAO.
- 药物