Folate status and homocysteine levels during a 24-week oral administration of a folate-containing oral contraceptive: a randomized, double-blind, active-controlled, parallel-group, US-based multicenter study.

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Bart S Sr, Marr J, Diefenbach K, Trummer D, Sampson-Landers C

Folate status and homocysteine levels during a 24-week oral administration of a folate-containing oral contraceptive: a randomized, double-blind, active-controlled, parallel-group, US-based multicenter study.

Contraception. 2012 Jan;85(1):42-50. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2011.05.013. Epub 2011 Jul 13.

PubMed ID
22067790 [View in PubMed

BACKGROUND: This study investigated the effects of adding levomefolate calcium 0.451 mg (the calcium salt of L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate; Metafolin(R)) to an oral contraceptive containing ethinylestradiol (EE) 20 mcg/drospirenone (drsp) 3 mg on folate levels in healthy women seeking contraception. STUDY DESIGN: In this randomized, double-blind, multicenter US-based study, women (18-40 years) received 24 weeks (six cycles) of EE/drsp/levomefolate calcium or EE/drsp for 24 days followed by 4 days of levomefolate calcium alone or placebo, respectively. The primary efficacy variables were red blood cell (RBC) and plasma folate levels at 24 weeks. RESULTS: At week 24, increases from baseline in mean RBC (990 +/- 390 nmol/L to 1406 +/- 440 nmol/L) and plasma folate (45.0 +/- 17.6 nmol/L to 60.8 +/- 19.9 nmol/L) levels were observed in women who received EE/drsp/levomefolate calcium [per protocol set (n=262); all values are displayed as mean +/- standard deviation]. In contrast, marginal fluctuations were observed with EE/drsp (p<.0001 for between-treatment differences at week 24). CONCLUSION: Clinically significant increases in folate status were observed with EE/drsp/levomefolate calcium compared with EE/drsp alone in US women of childbearing age.

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