Schanz年代,Kruis W, Mickisch O, Kuppers B, Berg P, B弗里克海兰德G, Huppe D, Schenck B, Horstkotte H,温克勒
成岩作用Endosc。2008; 2008:713521。doi: 10.1155 / 2008/713521。
- PubMed ID
18645612 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
背景:充分的肠道准备对准确结肠镜检查是必要的。口服磷酸钠(午睡)和聚乙烯二元醇灌洗(PEG-ELS)主要用作肠道清洗方式。午睡已经得到普及由于低喝体积和降低成本。这个随机多中心盲法研究的目的是比较三组清洗(午睡,午睡+番泻叶甙,PEG-ELS +番泻叶甙)参考耐受性,验收和清洁。病人和方法:18和75年之间的355年门诊病人被随机分为三组(A, B, C)接收小睡=,午睡,番泻叶甙= B或PEG-ELS和番泻叶甙= C .肠胃科进行结肠镜检查对制备的类型也不清楚。所有的病人记录宽容和不良事件。生命体征、术前用药法、完整性、不适和并发症。质量评分(0 - 4)生成的清洁。结果:三组是相同的关于年龄、性别、体重指数、结肠镜检查的指示,合并症。饮用量(L) (A = 4.33 + 1.2 = 4.56 + 1.18, C = 4.93 + 1.71)是午睡(P = .005)。 Discomfort from ingested fluid was recorded in A = 39.8% (versus C: P = .015), B = 46.6% (versus C: P = .147), and C = 54.6%. Differences in tolerability and acceptance between the three groups were statistically not significant. No differences in adverse events and the cleanliness effects occurred in the three groups (P = .113). The cleanliness quality scores 0-2 were calculated in A: 77.7%, B: 86.7%, and C: 85.2%. CONCLUSIONS: These data fail to demonstrate significant differences in tolerability, acceptance, and preparation quality between the three types of bowel preparation for colonoscopy. Cleansing with NaP was not superior to PEG-ELS.
- 药物