Antiandrogenic norgestimate活动在人类androgen-dependent stable-transfected细胞系。



巴黎F, F Rabeolina,官员6 P, Bacquet,苏丹C

Antiandrogenic norgestimate活动在人类androgen-dependent stable-transfected细胞系。

Gynecol性。2007年4月,23 (4):193 - 7。

PubMed ID
17505938 (在PubMed

背景:痤疮发生的过度刺激皮脂腺的高水平的雄激素或因为皮脂腺高度敏感正常的睾丸激素水平。在女性与温和的粉刺,norgestimate (NG)与炔雌醇(EE)被公认为一种有效的治疗;这是有关口服避孕药对雄激素的影响生产和运输。然而,antiandrogenic NG本身的性质一直缺乏研究。设计:目前的工作是找出是否NG和它的导数,17-deacetylnorgestimate (dNG),目前抗雄激素活性。首先,我们研究了NG和dNG的胞内定位绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)标记雄激素受体(AR)。然后,我们比较了AR活性NG和dNG与醋酸环丙孕酮(CPA),一个标准antiandrogenic化合物,通过调查竞争绑定,对手活动和transactivation AR水平。结果:NG和dNG减少GFP-AR核易位,揭示antiandrogenic产权,注册会计师。在整个试验中执行人类细胞系细胞竞争稳定表达一个AR-responsive荧光报告基因(PALM细胞)与(3)H-labeled R1881作为示踪剂,NG和竞争对手dNG略强于抗雄激素的会计师。Half-maximal抑制(K (i)) (3) H-labeled R1881 (10 (9) M)结合发生在4.2 + / - 0.5 x 10 (8) M的NG, 3.4 + / - 0.4 x 10(8)米dNG和6.6 + / - 0.8 x 10 (8) M的会计师。比较拮抗剂活动NG, dNG和注册会计师对AR transactivation水平表明,NG, dNG和注册会计师抑制细胞在棕榈androgen-induced荧光素酶活性。 We observed slight and similar inhibition with 6 x 10(-8) M respectively of NG, dNG and CPA. For the three compounds, the best inhibitory effect was found at 3 x 10(-7) M: 24% for NG and dNG vs. 47% for CPA. The antiandrogenic activity of NG and dNG was found to be 50% that of CPA. CONCLUSION: In a human androgen-dependent stable-transfected cell line, a useful tool for studying AR transcriptional activity and its subnuclear localization in the presence of androgens and antiandrogens, we demonstrated that NG and dNG have antiandrogenic properties that could partly explain the efficacy of NG in association with EE for the treatment of moderate acne in women.


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