


Gajdus M, szadujki - szadurski L, szadujki - szadurski R, Glaza I, Zalewska M, szadujki - szadurska K, Gurtowska N


Postepy希格医学档案(在线)。2011年9月5日;65:569-73。doi: 10.5604/17322693.958061。

PubMed ID
21918260 (PubMed视图

背景:本研究的主题是测定钙调素和钙对胃底平滑肌收缩的影响。在实验中,作者测试了血清素受体激动剂血清素(5-HT)引起平滑肌收缩的影响。材料/方法:实验采用大鼠胃组织。体重220 ~ 360 g的雄性Wistar大鼠腹腔注射乙烷(120 mg/kg)麻醉。解剖胃,随后分离胃底。将组织置于容量为20毫升的绝缘器官培养皿中,充满克雷布斯液。本研究的结果为平均值+/- SE。为了确定统计学意义,使用受体理论原理(Kenakin修饰)。结果:8 Br cGMP可抑制血清素诱导的胃底平滑肌收缩反应。使用浓度在10 - 300微米范围内的8Br-cGMP可将最大效果从100%降低到46%。 Similar changes were obtained after the use of guanylate cyclase activator (CG) - YC-1. Curves for the contractile activity of serotonin along with an increase of concentration YC-1 are shifted to the right, and the maximum effect of reaction decreases. Increasing concentrations of flunarizine, a calmodulin antagonist, in a concentration-dependent way blocks binding between calcium and calmodulin, and at the same time leads to the shift of concentration-effect curves for serotonin to the right and a decrease of maximum reaction. Increasing concentrations of ODQ, a guanylate cyclase inhibitor lead to statistically significant shift of the curves to the left, decrease of EC(50) value and simultaneous increase of maximum reaction to serotonin. CONCLUSIONS: According to conducted testing, serotonin causes gastric fundus smooth muscle contraction dependent on concentration. Reaction of contraction induced by serotonin is stopped by a calmodulin antagonist, flunarizine. In addition, experiments confirmed participation of cyclical nucleotides in blocking reaction of gastric fundus contraction.


药物 目标 种类 生物 药理作用 行动
氟桂利嗪 钙调蛋白 蛋白质 人类