眼睛(Lond)。1997;11 (Pt (3): 371 - 6。
- PubMed ID
9373479 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
目的:局部的影响levobunolol HCl 0.5%视网膜循环研究15日正常志愿者21-54岁(32 + / - 10年)。方法:在双盲,随机设计,一只眼睛收到的每个主题的一滴levobunolol盐酸(LEV)和0.5%的眼睛得到一滴人工眼泪(眼泪)。白细胞速度(VBFS)和密度测量视网膜黄斑微循环的蓝模拟技术。静脉直径(D),红细胞最大速度(Vmax)和容积测量血流量(Q)在一个主要由激光多普勒测速、颞脉单色眼底摄影。结果:平均变化从基线后观察治疗后2小时:心率、-4.6 + / - 8.3% (p = 0.04);眼压,-31.7 + / - 10.6% (p = 0.0001);和灌注压力,15.4 + / - 14.4% (p = 0.02),列弗眼睛;没有统计上显著的眼压和灌注压的变化出现在泪的眼睛。当每只眼睛与自己的基线相比,没有明显的变化VBFS,密度,D,和Q列弗的眼睛。泪的眼睛,VBFS没有明显变化,密度,Vmax和Q,但显著改变D (-1.8 + / - 2.6%; p = 0.02) was observed. A significant average percentage increase in Q of 10.9 +/- 19.2% (paired t-test between the change after LEV and the change after TEAR, p = 0.044) was seen in LEV eyes when compared with TEAR eyes. Twelve of the 15 subjects demonstrated a relative increase in Q in the LEV eyes in comparison with the TEAR eyes, while 3 subjects showed the opposite. CONCLUSION: A significant difference in the effect of levobunolol between the two eyes was detected, even though there was no statistically significant effect when each eye was compared with its baseline.
- 药物