莫法特休斯K,品厘米,Petrelli新泽西,FL, Patt YZ, Hammershaimb L,戈登伯格DM
安Surg. 1997年11月,226(5):621 - 31所示。
- PubMed ID
9389396 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
目的:目的是确定的角色arcitumomab (CEA-Scan;Immunomedics,莫里斯平原,新泽西州),一个anticarcinoembryonic抗原(CEA)工厂的标签锝99 m,在那些将要动手术的评估患者的复发或转移性结直肠癌。背景资料:手术切除是唯一的方法来治疗复发或转移性结直肠癌。的位置和程度疾病手术前必须确定。抗体成像的角色,一个新的癌症检测方式,在术前评估切除的局部复发或转移性结直肠癌尚未建立,单独或结合标准诊断方法。方法:在盲法分析209例已知或疑似结肠癌,arcitumomab的准确性,独自一人,加上计算机断层扫描(CT),与肿瘤的CT预测abdominopelvic resectability通过关联结果与手术和病理结果。结果:Arcitumomab单独或结合CT发现更准确预测手术结果比CT。结果CT和arcitumomab整合为abdominopelvic resectability, nonresectability,或没有疾病,67%的预测是准确的,100%,和64%,分别。因此,和谐为nonresectability(100%正确)可能排除其他诊断方法或探索性手术的必要性。当两个测试是不和谐的,比CT经常大幅arcitumomab是正确的。 Because the liver is the most common site of distant metastasis in colorectal cancer, a subset of patients with hepatic disease was also analyzed; findings were similar to the overall resectability results. The product's safety profile was excellent: the incidence of induction of an immune response against arcitumomab was <1% and that of potentially adverse events was 1.2%. CONCLUSIONS: The accuracy of arcitumomab for assessing resectability status is greater than that of CT, both in all patients undergoing evaluation for curative abdominopelvic resection of colorectal cancer and in the subset of patients with suspected or proven liver metastases. The additional use of arcitumomab with CT potentially doubles the number of patients who could be saved the cost, morbidity, and mortality of unnecessary abdominopelvic surgery and increases those who are potentially resectable for cure by 40%.
- 药物靶点
药物 目标 类 生物 药理作用 行动 锝tc - 99 m arcitumomab 癌胚antigen-related细胞粘附分子1 蛋白质 人类 未知的其他/未知细节