病人更喜欢坚持。2016年6月2;10:975 - 82。doi: 10.2147 / PPA.S82866。eCollection 2016。
- PubMed ID
27330280 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
背景:药物治疗复杂性/负担可以与患者不依从2型糖尿病(T2DM)病人体内。病人的满意度和他们的治疗是一个重要的考虑医生。策略使用长代理有效代理与少剂量可能有助于依从性。摘要目的:探讨dulaglutide管理模式及其对治疗依从性的影响在2型糖尿病。方法:搜索PubMed使用术语“必威国际appDulaglutide”通过10月31日,2015年。发表文章、新闻稿和摘要被认为是在国家/国际会议。结果/结论:Dulaglutide每周胰高糖素像peptide-1模拟低的个体内的变化。III期试验证明显著改善血糖和体重,与liraglutide / exenatide类似低血糖风险较低,但随着大幅减少注射。中可观察到显著改善糖尿病治疗满意度问卷得分,总重量对自我认知的影响,和感知频率的高血糖dulaglutide与安慰剂相比,exenatide, liraglutide或二甲双胍。治疗的满意度和dulaglutide显示有所改善(34% - -39%)与exenatide相比(31%)。 A positive experience with a high initial (97.2%) and final (99.1%) injection success rate along with a significant reduction in patients' fear of self-injecting, as measured by the modified self-injecting subscale of the Diabetes Fear of Injecting and Self-Testing Questionnaire and Medication Delivery Device Assessment Battery, was found. Its acceptance was high (>96%) among a variety of patients including patients who fear injections and injection-naive users. Dulaglutide is available as a single-dose automatic self-injecting device, which has a low volume, does not need reconstitution, and avoids patient handling of the needle. Dose adjustment based on weight, sex, age, race, ethnicity, or injection-site is not necessary. In chronic diseases like diabetes where patients need lifelong medications, the efficacy, safety, and convenience of a once-weekly, easy-to-use, self-injecting device should encourage patient adherence to dulaglutide therapy.
- 药物