


中一个,Tarli C, Cardone年代,Brigida走M, D’addio年代,Covino M,一种敲击木琴C,一克,Ojetti V, Gasbarrini, Addolorato G, Franceschi F


欧元牧师地中海Sci杂志》2020年9月,24 (17):9121 - 9128。doi: 10.26355 / eurrev_202009_22859。

PubMed ID
32965003 (在PubMed

目的:急性酒精中毒是常见的承认导致在急诊科和代表越来越公共卫生负担,尤其是青少年。它涉及到可能的和重大疾病和损伤,可迅速恶化,可能需要在急诊室。材料与方法:我们进行了一项叙述文献之回顾关于急救的作用的有效性急诊科设置。结果:这包括18个研究关于酒精中毒应急部门的管理;最重要的是强调了新兴现象在欧洲和世界各地的急性酒精中毒急救管理。急性酒精中毒的治疗取决于病人的临床概况,生命体征,血流动力学稳定,认知状态,与酒精有关的并发症,血液酒精浓度密切相关。同时,症状可能是非常变量由于酒精代谢的个体差异。对于轻中度中毒(血液酒精浓度< 1 g / L),不需要药物。严重的中毒(血液酒精浓度> 1 g / L),有必要支持与静脉输液,治疗低血糖、低血压、低体温和电解质失衡,管理复杂的维生素B和C,加快酒精与metadoxine消除从血液。不同于成年人,青少年更容易受到酒精的毒性作用(因为他们不成熟的肝脏乙醇脱氢酶的活动),然后,急性酒精相关并发症更频繁和危险的年轻人比成年人。 In many cases, patients affected by acute alcohol intoxication referring to an Emergency Department have mild-moderate transitory symptoms that do not require the use of drugs; they can benefit from a clinical observation, with a clinical course often completed within 24 hours with a favorable outcome. Clinical observation with vital signs control is necessary also to evaluate the possible development of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome (that involves a specific treatment) and to evaluate also possible pathological complications of the organism, above all acute liver damage. CONCLUSIONS: Patients affected by acute alcohol intoxication are the best candidates to apply the rules of the Temporary Observation Unit in the Emergency Department, because of a clinical course often completed within 24 hours, a favorable outcome and without the need for hospitalization. In many cases, hospitalization could be not necessary, but the patient affected by Alcohol Use Disorder must be referred to an Alcohol Addiction Unit for the follow-up, to reduce the risk of alcohol relapse and complications related to alcohol abuse, and financial costs of hospitalization.


药物 目标 生物 药理作用 行动
乙醇 乙醇脱氢酶类4亩/σ链 蛋白质 人类