马尼Sjovall J, Huitfeldt B L、北部CE
Scand J感染说5。1986;49:73 - 84。
- PubMed ID
3547627 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
氨苄西林高活性化合物巴卡西林,pivampicillin talampicillin, mecillinam前体药物pivmecillinam和sulbactam前体药物sulbactam pivoxil都有一个父药物相比大大提高了口腔可用性。他们没有显示出抗菌活性,直到吸收后转化为活性药物。这种双重优势使他们不太可能影响肠道微生物生态系统。氨苄青霉素据报道导致结肠微生物区系的变化,特别是肠杆菌属的物种,克雷伯氏菌的物种,enterococci,乳酸杆菌、拟杆菌、梭状芽胞杆菌,pivampicillin相比,并没有产生大的影响。同样,talampicillin已经报道的影响小于氨苄青霉素结肠菌群。腹泻是更常见的氨苄青霉素后,伴随着内的念珠菌引起。Pivmecillinam报道减少大肠杆菌和乳酸杆菌的数量。没有变化的结肠菌群的受试者接受巴卡西林平板电脑。这是验证一个平行组研究中,一组给予巴卡西林和sulbactam pivoxil,另巴卡西林,七天。受试者的组合,五有一个温和的和十相当结肠微生物区系的变化。 The subjects were often heavily colonized by new aerobic strains such as enterococci, E. coli, Bacillus, Enterobacter, Aeromonas, and yeasts. Among the anaerobes, Veillonella, the bifidobacteria-lactobacillus group, and bacteroides decreased. Some strains of clostridia decreased but there was also a colonization with new strains. One subject was colonized with Clostridium difficile. Diarrhoea was seen only during the week of active drug administration in the group given the combination. The symptoms generally appeared on the second or third day of treatment and had, in most cases, subsided at the end of treatment. The results illustrate the correlation between disturbances in the intestinal microbial ecosystem and intestinal adverse reactions.
- 药物