Omidubicel vs标准脐血移植骨髓:3期随机研究的结果。



霍维茨我,硬PJ,卡特勒C, Brunstein C,汉娜R, Maziarz RT, Rezvani AR,红桉NA, McGuirk J, Valcarcel D,席勒GJ,林德曼CA,黄WYK, Koh LP,基廷,Khaled Y, Hamerschlak N,法兰克福O,贝利T, Segalovich我,布莱克威尔B, Wease年代,弗里德曼LS, Galamidi-Cohen E, Sanz G

Omidubicel vs标准脐血移植骨髓:3期随机研究的结果。

血。2021年10月21日,138 (16):1429 - 1440。doi: 10.1182 / blood.2021011719。

PubMed ID
34157093 (在PubMed

Omidubicel是一种造血祖细胞体外扩大和nonexpanded骨髓和淋巴细胞产品来自一个脐带血单位。我们报告的3期临床试验评估结果的有效性omidubicel与标准相比脐血移植(UCBT)。2017年1月至2020年1月,125例患者年龄13 - 65年血液恶性肿瘤被随机分配到omidubicel UCBT vs标准。患者接受骨髓调节和预防钙调磷酸酶抑制剂和霉酚酸酯对移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)。主要终点是中性粒细胞移植的时间。治疗手臂相互之间良好的平衡和种族多样化。中性粒细胞嫁接时间中位数为12天(95%可信区间(CI), 10 - 14天)omidubicel臂和22天(95% CI, 19-25天)控制杆(P <措施)。中性粒细胞嫁接的累积发生率为96%,患者接受omidubicel为89%,病人接受移植的控制。omidubicel臂有更快的血小板回收率(55% vs 35%恢复了42天;P = .028),发病率较低一年级2到3细菌或侵袭性真菌感染(37% vs 57%; P = .027), and spent more time out of hospital during the first 100 days after transplant (median, 61 vs 48 days; P = .005) than controls. Differences in GVHD and survival between the 2 arms were not statistically significant. Transplantation with omidubicel results in faster hematopoietic recovery and reduces early transplant-related complications compared with standard UCBT. The results suggest that omidubicel may be considered as a new standard of care for adult patients eligible for UCBT. The trial was registered at as #NCT02730299.

