口服有效的药物对黑热病(内脏利什曼病):关注miltefosine sitamaquine。



Sangraula H, Sharma KK Rijal年代,已经受理,柯伊拉腊年代

口服有效的药物对黑热病(内脏利什曼病):关注miltefosine sitamaquine。

J Assoc印度医生。2003年7月,51:686 - 90。

PubMed ID
14621038 (在PubMed

目前还没有有效的口头管理药物或者内脏利什曼病、黑热病、寄生虫病影响每年大约有050万人,其中多数是在印度和尼泊尔的邻近地区。影响患者的症状是发烧、恶病质、肝脾肿大和全血细胞减少症。这种疾病通常是致命的,如果不及时治疗。传统上黑热病是治疗4周注射的钠stibogluconate、五价锑的。然而,这种治疗不仅显示阻力在37 - 64%患者当前印度流行病的比哈尔邦(epicentrre)也在7 - 10%致命的毒性和治疗相关的死亡人数在5 - 10%的情况下,除了有时不成功。肠胃外的两性霉素B作为二级代理显示95%但其毒性和高成本的有效性甚至容忍脂质体复杂排除了其广泛使用在发展中国家,那里的疾病存在于燎原之势。最近,miltefosine (hexadecylphosphocholine),复合最初开发作为抗肿瘤剂已被证明是一个口服有效的药物对黑热病。所有与这种药物临床试验在印度进行内脏利什曼病的患者。每天100毫克的方案或50毫克每日两次观察3 - 4周生产100%的治愈率。胃肠道副作用常见(62%),但没有病人停止治疗。 A phase III trial involving 300 HIV-negative adults and adolescents is underway in India and the drug is hoped to be licensed in the next 2-3 years. Few studies of phase II clinical trials mainly conducted in Kenya with another drug, sitamaquine or kalazaquine (WR 6026), an 8-aminoquinoline has also shown promise as an orally effective agent (in a dose of 1 mg/kg/day for two weeks) for visceral leishmaniasis. These Studies with two orally effective compounds, it appears, will open new vistas for orally effective, affordable and acceptable drugs in the armamentarium for the treatment of kala-azar. It is expected that in future we would have effective ways to prevent and treat all forms of leishmaniasis without discomforting the patient.

