


美联社,Brenk R, Shoichet BK的坟墓


J地中海化学2005 6月2,48 (11):3714 - 28。

PubMed ID
15916423 (在PubMed

分子对接是广泛用于预测药物发现的新铅化合物。成功取决于对接的质量得分函数,以及其他因素。一个不完美的得分函数可以通过预测错误的配位几何图形或通过选择误导不具约束力在真正的配体分子。这些假阳性支安打可能被视为“诱饵”。虽然这些诱饵是令人沮丧的,但他们可能提供重要的对接算法测试;更细微的诱饵,更严格的考验。事实上,诱饵数据库被用来改善蛋白质结构预测算法和蛋白质对接算法。在这里,我们描述20 166年5酶和几何诱饵decoys-i.e“黑名单”。结合分子预测,我们对接程序进行了测试,发现不做这些- - - - - beta-lactamase和溶菌酶的两个腔的网站。特别是在腔网站,那是非常简单的,这些诱饵突出特定的得分函数的弱点。 We also consider the performance of five other widely used docking scoring functions against our geometric and hit list decoys. Intriguingly, whereas many of these other scoring functions performed better on the geometric decoys, they typically performed worse on the hit list decoys, often highly ranking molecules that seemed to poorly complement the model sites. Several of these "hits"from the other scoring functions were tested experimentally and found, in fact, to be decoys. Collectively, these decoys provide a tool for the development and improvement of molecular docking scoring functions. Such improvements may, in turn, be rapidly tested experimentally against these and related experimental systems, which are well-behaved in assays and for structure determination.


药物 目标 财产 测量 pH值 温度(°C)
2-Fluoroaniline 溶菌酶 Kd (nM) 100000年 N /一个 N /一个 细节
3-Chlorophenol 溶菌酶 Kd (nM) 56000年 N /一个 N /一个 细节
5-Methylpyrrole 溶菌酶 Kd (nM) 159000年 N /一个 N /一个 细节
香豆酮 溶菌酶 Kd (nM) 112000年 N /一个 N /一个 细节
吲哚 溶菌酶 Kd (nM) 290000年 N /一个 N /一个 细节