Vajda如霍格,格里菲斯KN,王寅,伯内特K,陈Y, Marschke K,但是DE, Pedram B,沈Y, van Oeveren,智L,洛佩兹FJ, Meglasson MD
J骨矿研究》2009年2月,24 (2):231 - 40。doi: 10.1359 / jbmr.081007。
- PubMed ID
18847323 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
最近的临床试验与磷酸盐和甲状旁腺素不支持的假设开出抗再吸收和合成药物的联合治疗,将导致协同活动。我们推测,选择性联合治疗雄激素受体调制器(指控),乐金显示器- 3303,二是有益的。竞争绑定和体外转录活性测定是用来描述乐金显示器- 3303。乐金显示器- 3303是一种有效的非甾体类雄性激素显示很少或没有大与相关核受体。组织的选择性活动乐金显示器- 3303在orchidectomized评估雄性老鼠口头管理乐金显示器- 3303为14天。乐金显示器- 3303增加了提肛肌肌肉重量高于eugonadal水平却大大减少活动前列腺,从不增加腹侧前列腺重量> eugonadal水平即使在高剂量的50%。切除卵巢的雌性老鼠服用乐金显示器- 3303,alendronate或联合治疗对骨的影响进行研究。DXA对扫描,histomorphometry和生物力学进行。乐金显示器- 3303在雌性大鼠肌肉重量增加。此外,乐金显示器- 3303增加BMD和BMC皮质和松质骨网站。 At cortical sites, the effects were caused in part by anabolic activity on the periosteal surface. At every measured site, combination treatment was as effective as either single agent and in some cases showed significant added benefit. LGD-3303 is a novel SARM with anabolic effects on muscle and cortical bone not observed with bisphosphonates. Combination therapy with LGD-3303 and alendronate had additive effects and may potentially be a useful therapy for osteoporosis and frailty.
- 药物