Rosenkranz B,温克尔曼BR, Parnham乔丹
Pharmacokinet。1996; 30 (5): 372 - 84。
- PubMed ID
8743336 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
Molsidomine前体药物是一氧化氮(NO)的形成。其药物动力学的特点是快速吸收和水解,在很短的时间内达到最大系统母体化合物及其活性代谢物的浓度,SIN-1。峰血浆药物浓度的时间(达峰时间)是1到2小时。母体化合物的生物利用度在口服片剂形式的44至59%,但没有进一步代谢释放,形成极性代谢物迅速;半衰期(t1 / 2) SIN-1 1到2小时。尿排泄占超过90%的服用剂量的一部分molsidomine不排泄不变。蛋白结合的母体化合物很低(3 - 11%)和它的体积分布(Vd)对应于体重的范围。单剂研究(1、2和4毫克)揭示了线性药物动力学,和多个剂量研究健康人(2毫克每日3次,7天)和冠状动脉疾病(CAD)患者(4毫克,每日4次,4周)不显示任何药物的积累。在年轻人和老年人进行的一项研究表明,初步的效果是减少和半衰期长时间随着年龄的增长,导致增加曲线下的面积(AUC) molsidomine和SIN-1。肝脏疾病和充血性心力衰竭患者相似的变化被观察到,但是在CAD患者更是少之又少。 Clearance was also impaired in patients with liver disease, but the pharmacokinetics of molsidomine were not markedly altered by impaired renal function. In general, due to a large therapeutic dose range, dosage adjustments are not required on the basis of clinical experience. In certain patients a lower starting dose may be recommended, such as in those with impaired liver or kidney function, in congestive heart failure or in the presence of concomitant treatment with other vasoactive compounds. A linear dose-effect relationship is observed with counterclockwise hysteresis, i.e. a greater effect associated with the decrease of plasma concentrations than during their increase, which may be at least partly due to the metabolic delay in the formation of NO from SIN-1. Accordingly, the duration of action of molsidomine is longer than would be expected on the basis of the elimination half-life. The pharmacokinetics of molsidomine support the recommended dosages for use in angina pectoris.
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药物 交互 整合药物之间
在您的软件的交互醋丁洛尔 Molsidomine Molsidomine可能会增加醋丁洛尔的降血压药活动。 Aliskiren Molsidomine Molsidomine可能会增加Aliskiren的降血压药活动。 Ambrisentan Molsidomine Molsidomine可能会增加Ambrisentan的降血压药活动。 氨氯地平 Molsidomine Molsidomine可能会增加氨氯地平的降血压药活动。 阿替洛尔 Molsidomine Molsidomine可能会增加阿替洛尔的降血压药活动。 Azilsartan medoxomil Molsidomine Molsidomine可能增加的低血压患者活动Azilsartan medoxomil。 贝那普利 Molsidomine Molsidomine可能会增加贝那普利的降血压药活动。 苄氟噻嗪 Molsidomine Molsidomine可能会增加苄氟噻嗪的降血压药活动。 Bepridil Molsidomine Molsidomine可能会增加Bepridil的降血压药活动。 倍他洛尔 Molsidomine Molsidomine可能会增加倍他洛尔的降血压药活动。